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Yet one has a sense of uneasiness in looking at her,—a sense of opposing elements, of which a fierce collision is imminent; surely there is a hushed expression, such as one often sees in older faces under borderless caps, out of keeping with the resistant youth, which one expects to flash out in a sudden, passionate glance, that will dissipate all the quietude, like a damp fire leaping out again when all seemed safe.


It was a tumult in which the terrible strain of the night and morning made a resistant pain:—she could only perceive that this would be joy when she had recovered her power of feeling it.


But her silence shrouded her resistant emotion into a more thorough glow; and this misfortune in Will's lot which, it seemed, others were wishing to fling at his back as an opprobrium, only gave something more of enthusiasm to her clinging thought.


Each of them felt proudly resistant, and neither looked at the other, while they awaited Sir James's entrance.


Products such as nail polish, shaving cream, foundation, lipsticks and mascaras may contain PFAS chemicals to make them more durable, spreadable and water resistant.


The creators say the rubber soles are heat resistant, making them ideal for walking along sandy beaches.


Some people are resistant to this technique.


Matawele, who analyzed the results, said that the presence of Staphylococcus was "worrying" because of how quickly it can spread and the fears that it is becoming resistant to antibiotics.


My aluminosilicate glass surface is tear resistant.


Rhiannon explained: 'When the resistant starch changes to simple sugar, a banana ripens, and studies have suggested that more ripe (yellow) bananas are easier to digest for the average person.

骄傲! 迪拜沙漠种出中国水稻

n a vast desert on the outskirts of Dubai, Chinese scientists looked across a field of "drought resistant" rice they had planted in sand and diluted seawater and realized that a four-decade struggle had come to an end.


In people with prediabetes, the body's cells are resistant to insulin's action, so sugar remains high in the blood.


The disc is resistant to fires, radiation and electromagnetic waves.


The US has been particularly resistant to change.


The disc is resistant to fires, radiation and electromagnetic waves.


" THS toxins, which are invisible but can be smelled, remain on surfaces for many years, and are resistant to even strong cleaning agents.


"We showed that Zika virus can kill the kind of glioblastoma cells that tend to be resistant to current treatments and lead to death," said study co-author Michael Diamond, a professor of medicine.


But researchers have figured out a simple way to manipulate all that starch and make it more resistant to being broken down into glucose (calorie-laden sugars).


But researchers have figured out a simple way to manipulate all that starch and make it more resistant to being broken down into glucose (calorie-laden sugars).

发明冰箱以前 人类如何保存食物

The structure was formed from a mortar resistant to heat transmission, in the shape of a dome.

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