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I spat out, and affirmed it tasted detestably—I would not take it on any account.


He gathered the spittle in his mouth and spat full in Strickland's face.


At the first whiff of the smoke he spat in the direction of the boat and put the finest curse he knew on Corrigan—one that began with the first Corrigans born on earth and ended with the Corrigans that shall hear the trumpet of Gabriel blow.


He spat it out, saying it was awful.


To make it the corn was milled and moistened in the maker's mouth to convert starches in the corn into fermentable sugars - before it was 'spat' into the beer.


Ms Douglas pulled her car over and immediately spat out the substance.


US tariff spat with the European Union over steel and aluminum products led to its conflict with six other G7 members at the Quebec summit.

Trusty John

On this he ran hastily to her, lifted her up and bore her into a chamber - then he laid her down, and knelt and sucked the three drops of blood from her right breast, and spat them out.


Hyundai Motor has stopped production at its China factories as the fallout from a political spat between Seoul and Beijing continues to inflict pain on South Korea's largest automaker.


"I spat it out in about 10 seconds.


"I spat it out in about 10 seconds.


The baby spat out the nasty pill.


But Eustace made faces and spluttered and spat it out and was sick again and began to cry again and asked if they hadn't any Plumptree's Vitaminized Nerve Food and could it be made with distilled water and anyway he insisted on being put ashore at the next station.


Depp and Heard recently hit the headlines for a bizarre spat with Australian deputy prime minister and minister for agriculture Barnaby Joyce, after Heard fell foul of biosecurity rules for unlawfully bringing the pair's dogs into the country.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(204)

" He gave me a pinch-faced look, as if I had just spat in his soda.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(136)

He barked a wet cough and spat in a soiled handkerchief.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(135)

Then the Talib spat tobacco-stained spittle and looked away.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(126)

"Because you wanted to know," he spat.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(105)

When he spat into his handkerchief, it immediately stained red.

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