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He meant to give Fred his full advantage, but it would be well, he thought, to clear her mind of any superstitions, such as women sometimes follow when they do a man the wrong of marrying him as an act of atonement.


The odd superstitions touched upon were all prevalent among children and slaves in the West at the period of this story—that is to say, thirty or forty years ago.

万圣节英文介绍 万圣节英文小故事

There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween.


In the US, we are more playful with our ghosts and our superstitions.


Trinidadians have quite a rich collection of superstitions concerning jumping eyes.


Decades of old beliefs, superstitions and rituals are being performed these days and are followed blindly without questioning their rationale.


He considers most numerical superstitions harmless.


While meditation is surrounded by religion, beliefs and superstitions, it is a valid body state like any other, such as arousal or sleep.


This involuntary reflex known as the sneeze is not one of the burning mysteries of our time, but I'd like to tell you about some superstitions that have sprung up around sneezing and also let you know what's actually happening when you sneeze.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 33

Then it had occurred to him to work upon the superstitions of his former shipmates, and he was so far successful that Gray and the doctor had come up and were already ambushed before the arrival of the treasure-hunters.


Then it breeds in its votaries affections and exaggerations, as it did with the Brahmins in the time of the decadence of Indian civilisation, when the perception of the higher truth fell away and superstitions grew up unchecked.


Babies born in the Year of the Sheep, therefore, will grow up to be followers rather than leaders, according to some superstitions.

安徒生童话英文版:Anne Lisbeth

As she turned to walk away, much came into her mind that she had heard in her childhood: old superstitions of spectres by the sea-shore; of the ghosts of drowned but unburied people, whose corpses had been washed up on the desolate beach.

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