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美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 10》

" The Earl clutched the arms of his chair with both his hands until the veins stood out upon them; the veins stood out on his forehead too; his fierce old face was almost livid.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 6》

James and Thomas, mem, last night in the servants' hall, they both of 'em say as they never see anythink in their two lives—nor yet no other gentleman in livery—like that little fellow's ways, as innercent an' polite an' interested as if he'd been sitting there dining with his best friend,—and the temper of a' angel, instead of one (if you'll excuse me, mem), as it's well known, is enough to curdle your blood in your veins at times.


The same sort of traditional belief ran in the Tulliver veins, but it was carried in richer blood, having elements of generous imprudence, warm affection, and hot-tempered rashness.


Cadwallader held that it was a poor satisfaction to take precedence when everybody about you knew that you had not a drop of good blood in your veins; and Celia again, stopping to look at Arthur, said, "It would be very nice, though, if he were a Viscount—and his lordship's little tooth coming through!


Considering he's a son of somebody, he might have got a woman with good blood in her veins, and not too young, who would have put up with his profession.


Borthrop Trumbull had a kindly liquid in his veins; he was an admirer by nature, and would have liked to have the universe under his hammer, feeling that it would go at a higher figure for his recommendation.


It was rather irritating to him, even with the wine of love in his veins, to be obliged to mingle so often with the family party at the Vincys', and to enter so much into Middlemarch gossip, protracted good cheer, whist-playing, and general futility.


"Let him be a minute," Peter whispered; "he'll be all right as soon as the milk begins to run like fire through his veins.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 30

It just curdled the blood in my veins.


Then the immortal heart of the woods will beat against ours and its subtle life will steal into our veins and make us its own forever, so that no matter where we go or how widely we wander we shall yet be drawn back to the forest to find our most enduring kinship.


Jealousy ran red-hot through Tom's veins.


As if it were his blood in their veins.

震惊! 研究显示高个子更容易患上静脉曲张!

In what researchers are calling "the largest genetic study ever performed" on varicose vein disease, a Stanford University School of Medicine study found a person's height to be a significant risk factor for developing varicose veins.

研究显示 领带会阻碍血液流向大脑

The uncomfortable office attire squeezes neck veins, potentially slowing down the brain's processing, according to a report published last week in the journal Neuroradiology.


When you have stretch marks and spider veins and are carrying around an extra 25 to 35 pounds, it's pretty hard to feel comfortable, let alone good about yourself.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第27期:第二章 凯特琳 (2)

but the blood of the First Men still flowed in the veins of the Starks, and his own gods were the old ones, 「」,, the nameless, faceless gods of the greenwood they shared with the vanished children of the forest.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第20期:第一章 布兰(5)

, The blood of the First Men still flows in the veins of the Starks, , and we hold to the belief that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.


On your hand as it waved adieu There were veins of blue; In your voice as it said good-bye Was a petulant cry, "You have only wasted your life.


"In the ten months since the surgery, the implant has grown well, and the patient's veins and tissue have started to grow back," Ling said.


Cellulose, which is compatible to mammal cells, and intact leaf veins were left behind.

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