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It seemed as impossible to bear the fatality she had drawn down on him without venting his fury as it would be to a panther to bear the javelin-wound without springing and biting.


" Will spoke at random: he was merely venting his petulance; it was a little too exasperating to have his grandmother's portrait offered him at that moment.


" There had been no clashing of temper between Dorothea and her husband since that little explosion in Rome, which had left such strong traces in her mind that it had been easier ever since to quell emotion than to incur the consequence of venting it.


" Fred with difficulty restrained himself from venting his irritation.


That's acceptable, but pay attention to how often you're venting.


Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting 5.


No matter what kind of environment you work in, there will always be a corner of the office or the lunch room, where a small (or large) collective of employees are venting to some degree.


No matter what kind of environment you work in, there will always be a corner of the office or the lunch room, where a small (or large) collective of employees are venting to some degree.


I imagined venting my anger at one person in particular and helping him to realize just how vulnerable he truly was.


At first, we saw it as a way of venting the rage that we could no longer show in person, and sent each other furious rants in block capitals.


That's acceptable, but pay attention to how often you're venting.

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) If you want to go beyond that, examine your motives carefully: It's easy to rationalize mere venting as helpful advice.


That's acceptable, but pay attention to how often you're venting.

君子有怒 发之有道

Venting our negative feelings is easy.


Venting:You may think that dumping your problems on a friend repeatedly will make you feel better, but a study by the University of Kent in England found that people with perfectionist tendencies feel worse after venting.

李白: 梦游天姥吟留别

The stone gate breaks asunder Venting in the pit of heaven, An impenetrable shadow.

The wolf and the fox

The wolf came back limping and started venting out his angry to the fox.

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