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Iceland is one of the most active regions in the world, with around 30 active volcanic sites.

印尼索普坦火山喷发 火山灰柱高达7500米

Indonesia, an archipelago of more than 260 million people, is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions due to its location on the Pacific "Ring of Fire.

夏威夷火山喷出宝石雨 居民喜获绿宝石

The minerals are found in volcanic rocks and land around Hawaii.


This instrumentation is sensitive to millimetric changes in the shape of the volcanic cone; and with 11 years of data it is now obvious that the mountain is moving in an east-south-east direction.


Several Nuatambu islanders have moved to a higher neighbouring volcanic island, the study said.


Scientists found that sedimentary rocks, where most dinosaur fossils were unearthed, were sanwiched between two layers of volcanic rocks, indicating vegetation was lush and suitable for dinosaurs in the early and middle Cretaceous period.

世界上最热的地方 达纳基尔大沙漠

The volcanic lunar landscape resembles a surrealist painting, with sulphurous hot springs, lava beds, hypothermal pools, and a mix of sulphates, iron oxides and salt deposits all combining to create a hallucinogenic palette of otherworldly formations and colours.


Slabs of granite, quarried relentlessly from the once volcanic heart of the island, make up the base of the wall.


The researchers report an experiment in Iceland where they have pumped CO2 and water underground into volcanic rock.


The Yutu rover had poked around a region that's been reshaped by volcanic activity relatively recently.


As the coast subsided from volcanic activity, Baiae gradually disappeared underwater, although some of the remains can still be seen on land.


Local car hire agencies recommend taking out insurance for potential damage from volcanic ash or extreme wind.


Replication of the atmospheric impact of a volcanic eruption would directly offset the impact of greenhouse gases.


Its volcanic soil is rich in minerals that lined the mountainsides, this made great agricultural grounds for wine and olives.


Maradona has promised to do a striptease in downtown Buenos Aires if Argentina wins, but it seems probable that "EI Diego" will be exposed long before then by his volcanic personality, hostile dealings with the media and odd tactical notions.

日本中部火山爆发 多名登山者被困

Rescuers have found 30 hikers in critical condition, feared dead, near the peak of Mount Ontake, after Saturday's sudden volcanic eruption.


flying volcanic bomb rising volcanic ashes forest fire caused by lava Lava flowed out of the crater.


"There has been a lot of anecdotal evidence about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.


Sea salt not only dissolves from rocks, it also reacts with the rocks of the ocean crust and volcanic lava.


On Earth, primordial volcanic eruptions brought up lava containing huge amounts of volatile substances such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, water vapor, and chlorine.

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