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By all the unwritten laws of savage warfare it is always the redskin who attacks, and with the wiliness of his race he does it just before the dawn, at which time he knows the courage of the whites to be at its lowest ebb.

旅游英语:布达拉宫 Potala Palace

However, the original palace was destroyed due to a lightening strike and succeeding warfare during Landama's reign.


He was the first in China to put forward the theory of applying artillery in warfare.

为抵制军事项目合作 十几名谷歌员工正集体请辞

The resigning employees' frustrations range from particular ethical concerns over the use of artificial intelligence in drone warfare to broader worries about Google's political decisions -- and the erosion of user trust that could result from these actions.


Chuckle Hit the randomizer button on your favorite web comic, engage in cube warfare with a co-worker, or check out a website that offers a "Joke of the Day" service.


Just as English let down the anglophone powers in Iraq, so did their other traditional weapon of influence: warfare.


A second, more serious question is whether PAEs engage in asymmetric warfare.


He had one of those heroic heads, stamped with the seal of warfare, and on which the battles of Napoleon are written.


Ninjas were 15th Century Japanese mercenaries specialising in espionage, assassination, sabotage and other forms of irregular warfare.


Tian and di refer to the natural conditions in warfare.


Legally speaking, a refugee is a person outside his or her country of origin who had to flee to seek refuge from persecution or open warfare.


The Chinese military denies the accusation and insists it is a victim in the recent global surge in cyber warfare.


Though, of course, it's been there all along, as Amy Davidson wrote in The New Yorker on the eve of the first movie's release in 2012: "America has been at war for a decade now; is it really a coincidence that the biggest movie of the year is the first in a trilogy in which torture, terror, asymmetric warfare and the manipulation of public opinion all play a role?

韩国肥皂剧 防不胜防的特洛伊木马

Still, the defectors say that the soaps are a potent tool for exposing North Koreans to the outside world after years of mixed results from official psychological warfare that included shortwave radio broadcasts and propaganda messages blared over the border from loudspeakers in the South.


The French had all these highly mechanized instruments of warfare, but they put some guerilla action on, and a -- and a -- and a white man can't fight a guerilla warfare.

高适: 燕歌行并序

Yet in speaking of the rigours of warfare on the desert We name to this day Li, the great General, who lived long ago.


Fu Jian thought that his chance had come, believing that the senior generals of the Jin army did not have the elementary knowledge of warfare.


Fu Jian thought that his chance had come, believing that the senior generals of the Jin army did not have the elementary knowledge of warfare.

伊索寓言:The Wolves and the Sheep

"Why should there always be this implacable warfare between us?


All warfare is based on deception.

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