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Mr Tulliver, having a vague intention that Tom should be put to some business which included the drawing out of plans and maps, had complained to Mr Riley, when he saw him at Mudport, that Tom seemed to be learning nothing of that sort; whereupon that obliging adviser had suggested that Tom should have drawing-lessons.

迷人四月天:Chapter 19

More trouble may then be expected, and in me they will seek and find their adviser.

迷人四月天:Chapter 16

" "Of course she has her own legal adviser, but he is not on the spot.


" "As we get into the fall and the winter, by the end of the year, I agree with (President Joe Biden) completely that we will be approaching a degree of normality," said Fauci, who serves as Biden's chief medical adviser.


Zhuge Liang (181~234), celebrated adviser to Liu Bei, founder of the Shu Han Dynasty.


My adviser was a truly gifted professor, an archaeologist named William Childs.


Before becoming an adviser to her father in the White House, Ivanka was an executive vice president at the Trump Organization.


The first lady feuded with Mira Ricardel, the deputy national security adviser, during her tour of Africa in October, US media report.


Peter Navarro, now a White House trade adviser, twisted the tragic episode in his book, using it to portray the Chinese as so immoral that they would poison foreign customers and themselves.


Oleg Artemyev, 47, surprised Ivanka, a senior adviser to her father, when she was given the chance to chat over the phone with crew aboard the International Space Station (ISS).


" In 2016, Trump stepped down from her role at the brand to transition into her position as senior adviser at the White House.


, Irvine; and Brian Forde, who worked as a science adviser in the Obama White House.


Obama went through multiple emotional stages, according to a new book by his longtime adviser Benjamin J.


Michael Green, a former senior Asia adviser to President George W.


You can get lycopene from tomatoes, particularly cooked and stewed tomatoes, but "on a fresh basis, you can't do better than watermelon," said Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh who has studied lycopene and is an unpaid science adviser to the National Watermelon Promotion Board.


Commenting on the findings, the British Dental Association's Scientific Adviser, Professor Damien Walmsley, told Mail Online: 'This research reminds us of the importance of exercising caution when consuming acidic fruit-flavoured foods, even if they are sugar-free, as excessive use of these outside meal times may increase the risk of developing tooth erosion.


"We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to do something really big," said Gary Cohn, chief economic adviser to Donald Trump.


Wanlop Suwandee, chief adviser to Bangkok's governor, said officials are "now working to get rid of stalls from all 50 districts of Bangkok" and return the pavements to pedestrians.


Nick Bostrom, an outside adviser to Cambridge University's Study of Existential Risk (CESR), predicts that machines will attain 90 percent of human-level intelligence by 2075.

高盛将造机器人顾问 为大众提供投资建议

UBS and Wells Fargo are partnering with online financial adviser SigFig, while BlackRock acquired FutureAdvisor.

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