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Bulstrode, felt almost bound in consistency to send word that she was not at home; but against that, there was a sudden strong desire within her for the excitement of an interview in which she was quite determined not to make the slightest allusion to what was in her mind.


" She paused again, and Celia thought that her sister was going to renounce the ornaments, as in consistency she ought to do.

Mid-Autumn Festival(欢度中秋)

The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled western fruitcakes in taste and consistency.


As part of a team of marmite tasters, he is responsible for checking each batch of Marmite is the correct texture, consistency and flavour.


You have no chance of accurately predicting with any consistency the buy and sell decisions of millions of other investors with different financial situations and analytical abilities.


"Consistency is key when it comes to taking care of the largest organ on your body, and the French don't play around.


a manages to concentrate guinea pig flavor after cooking and preparing a pate from the animal's flesh, adds milk or cream and refrigerates the concoction until it has the rough consistency of ice cream.


Take egg whites only and scramble them for the most even and consistent consistency.


With incredible consistency the person arbitrarily appointed leader of the group grabbed the fourth cookie, and ate it.

新研究发现 人们平均能够记住5000张面孔!

They were also shown thousands of images of famous people -- two photos of each to ensure consistency -- and asked which ones they recognised.


Maybe their parents lacked consistency growing up.

西班牙科学家3D打印“素食牛排” 卖相和味道一言难尽

" 'However, that does not worry me, because the technologies to imitate the taste of animal meat have already been developed in the last years, while the main challenge for me was to obtain the animal meat-like consistency and texture, which was not invented yet.


The project is being run by Select Research Ltd, whose founder Richard Barnes said: 'There is a lack of consistency in sizing across different clothing brands and the aim of Shape GB is to use body volume as a new way of measuring body shape to help us find better ways of resolving this for the customer.


Now Weight - 73 kgs —73 Status- single (recently broke up) —() Unbreakable self confidence Every aspect of my life has changed Consistency is the key Edit : So many people are messaging and commenting here asking me to share the diet and workout plan.


"The most striking finding of the report is the remarkable consistency between the happiness of immigrants and the locally born," Mr Helliwell said.


There just hasn't been a lot of consistency within this group.


Kyrie Irving — Celtics — 2018 resolution: Consistency on defense 2018: The Celtics have played their best basketball when they are defensively engaged, and Irving has repeatedly noted how much easier the game comes when Boston is not taking the ball out of the basket each trip down.


It's about a quarter as sweet as sugar syrup but has the consistency and adhering power of epoxy glue and caramelises beautifully 5.


"If the consistency seems off — runny or grainy," she advises, "discard and buy a new sunscreen.


To give the drink a thick consistency and keep it cold, freeze the strawberries in advance.

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