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The muddy lanes, green or clayey, that seemed to the unaccustomed eye to lead nowhere but into each other, did really lead, with patience, to a distant high-road; but there were many feet in Basset which they led more frequently to a centre of dissipation, spoken of formerly as the "Markis o' Granby," but among intimates as "Dickison's.


Dorothea had observed the animus with which Will's part in the painful story had been recalled more than once; but she had uttered no word, being checked now, as she had not been formerly in speaking of Will, by the consciousness of a deeper relation between them which must always remain in consecrated secrecy.


He was beginning to do things for which he had formerly even an excessive scorn.


That question is so difficult that he is inclined to follow his father's wishes and enter the Church, though you know better than I do that he was quite set against that formerly.


He had formerly observed with approbation her capacity for worshipping the right object; he now foresaw with sudden terror that this capacity might be replaced by presumption, this worship by the most exasperating of all criticism,—that which sees vaguely a great many fine ends, and has not the least notion what it costs to reach them.


" [5] [5] This picture, formerly in the possession of a wealthy manufacturer at Lille, who fled from that city on the approach of the Germans, is now in the National Gallery at Stockholm.


Just hold on till I tell you——" "Toad," said the Water Rat, gravely and firmly, "you go off upstairs at once, and take off that old cotton rag that looks as if it might formerly have belonged to some washerwoman, and clean yourself thoroughly, and put on some of my clothes, and try and come down looking like a gentleman if you can; for a more shabby, bedraggled, disreputable-looking object than you are I never set eyes on in my whole life!


Formerly, her fame and leadership had been secure enough not to need the support of such artifices as handing around live frogs for favours at a cotillon.


Some other words on the shortlist for word of the year: X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, which attracted controversy and attention after Elon Musk fully acquired it.

英语美文:内心的小孩 会越长越小

My formerly thick hair which used to be brown with a touch of gray , was now gray with a touch of brown.


In 2019, only 12 per cent of ice mass remained in what was formerly the low altitude part of the Little Ice Age glacier region.


This whole set of unique and weird sensations was like having a new roommate to share the two-bedroom apartment formerly known as my breasts - now lovingly known as "the breast and the chest.

美国一电梯从95层坠至11层 所幸无人员伤亡

Six people, including a pregnant woman, fell from the 95th to the 11th floor in a skyscraper formerly known as the John Hancock Center early on Friday morning.


Once owned by the Oppenheimer family, who formerly ran the De Beers mining company, the diamond was referred to as "one of the world's greatest diamonds" by Christie's international head of jewellery, Rahul Kadakia.


The formerly sequel-averse studio has expanded a number of its hits into franchises, but going beyond a trilogy — and with the series that started filmgoers' love affair with Pixar in the first place — has a lot of potential downside.


"Coding is the language of the modern world, because everything is centered around technology," says Leilenah Mamea, a participant in the first CODE: Rosie class who formerly worked in finance and now writes code for sites such as Disney.


Wang Xinyu's coach, Aleksandar Slovic, is Serbian; Zheng Qinwen, who reached the third round of the girls' draw, is coached by the Argentine Carlos Rodriguez, who formerly coached Li and Justine Henin.


Musk, which was formerly derived from animals, is probably the most popular fragrance ingredient but must be created synthetically.


It was formerly called The International Consumer Electronics Show, or CES.


The mission, formerly known as the Solar Probe Plus, was approved in 2014.

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