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She really did hope he liked her face as it was now, but it was simply the rising again of her innate delight in admiration and love.


Lydgate relied much on the psychological difference between what for the sake of variety I will call goose and gander: especially on the innate submissiveness of the goose as beautifully corresponding to the strength of the gander.


The faculty for myth is innate in the human race.


But your mind is warped by an innate principle of general integrity, and therefore not accessible to the cool reasonings of family partiality, or a desire of revenge.


You have an innate quality to see through the lies of other people.


All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income.


" 'They often start popping up as the weather gets colder and in times of stress both of which can weaken our body's innate protective systems.


" 'They often start popping up as the weather gets colder and in times of stress both of which can weaken our body's innate protective systems.


Plants cascading from walls and partitions also help clean the air while satisfying our innate need to connect to nature, a concept known as biophilia.


Though some social scientists have argued that happiness levels are innate, so people return to their natural level of well-being after joyful or upsetting events, the researchers found that the benefits of marriage persist.


On top of that, it also has an innate ability to whet our appetites.

乔布斯传 第44期:探寻(1)

Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic; , it is learned and is the great achievement of Western civilization.


Over the last few decades there has been much debate between scientists about whether these phobias are innate or are learned during childhood.


In her book "When Boys Become Boys" she maintains that by the time the boys reached first grade, sometimes earlier, they traded their innate empathy for a learned stoicism and greater emotional distance from friends.


How much sport fishing and commercial depredations have to do with this phenomenon is unclear, though it does appear to be a trend innate to the species.


Doing so produces this innate sense of well-being that could been described as oneness, stability, grounded-ness, a sense of perspective, or self-connection.


Moreover, he built his entire philosophy on this tenet, and presented a series of concepts :(1) Man possesses the innate knowledge of the good and " innate ability" to do good; (2) If one "develops his mind to the utmost",he can "serve heaven" and "fulfill his destiny";(3)Evil is not inborn but due to man's own failures and his inability to avoid evil external influences; (4)Serious efforts must be made to recover men's original nature; (5) The end of learning is none other than to "seek for the


Learning a second language is far easier for some adults than others because of innate differences in how the various parts of the brain "talk" to one another.


Since that time, my main ambition has been canalized into a strong desire to serve my neighbor by putting at his disposal the fruits of my knowledge, the results of my studying, the development of my innate talent, and the development of my skill as a performer; plus, my love!


Such magisterial spirits are kings by merit and lions by innate privilege.

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