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研究发现 西方国家男性的生育能力逐年下降

Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, stress, smoking and obesity are seen as causes, along with too much alcohol, caffeine and processed meat.


As a consequence, explanations of the observed phenomenon remained speculative and interest waned with the advent of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to achieve mass agricultural production.

“最脏”果蔬榜发布 草莓再次高居榜首

The group found that one third of all conventional, or non-organic, strawberry samples contained 10 or more pesticides.


NOT SO BAD: BUYING NON-ORGANIC FOOD : The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) said in 2012 that although opting for organic items has some benefits - including fewer pesticides in organic produce and lower risk of exposure to drug-resistant bacteria from organic meat and dairy - the ultimate goal is to feed your children a healthy variety of fruits and vegetables.


If you are considering buying organic fruits, check out this list of which fruits and vegetables have the most and least pesticides to help you guide your choices.


Pesticides fight bugs and weeds in organic and conventional fields.


These included phthalates, which are often found in pesticides.


The fruits and vegetables are not contaminated by pesticides and insecticides and the meats are not loaded with steroids and hormones.


One common fear that causes people to peel their vegetables, according to Detroyer, is the amount of herbicides and pesticides that can found on the skin.


Researchers found 70 percent of the juicy red morsels have traces of pesticides.


In the early 1980s the Japanese pioneered the use of drones to spray pesticides on rice fields.


This is a very good first line of attack in your garden and it can obviously save you an enormous amount of money by reducing the need for pesticides.


In addition to the usual impacts of things like pesticides and water use, there's a huge human rights issue that's grown up around the development of soy, too.


The flesh of regular bananas are low in pesticides, but the skins are not.


Coffee beans are sprayed with pesticides, which can affect your DNA.


Farming crayfish and rice simultaneously does not require chemical fertilizers, pesticides or result in contaminated water, ensuring safe products.


This year reports of nausea and nosebleeds among students at an elite school in Changzhou, an eastern industrial city, led to media revelations that the school's new campus had been built next to an abandoned pesticides factory.


Many people who buy organic food say they do so not for a nutritional advantage, but because of environmental concerns and to avoid pesticides.


It's also possible tea could contain pesticides - even if it is labelled organic - and contains a large amount of tannin, which reduces the absorption of iron in the blood, which can cause anaemia.

互有利弊 茶和咖啡谁更健康

Tea may contain pesticides, even if it's been labelled as organic ,"" 2.

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