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" Lucy's eyes turned with anxious interest toward Maggie to see how she went through this first interview, since a sadly memorable time, with a man toward whom she must have so strange a mixture of feelings; but she was pleased to notice that Wakem had tact enough to enter at once into talk about the bazaar wares, and appear interested in purchasing, smiling now and then kindly at Maggie, and not calling on her to speak much, as if he observed that she was rather pale and tremulous.


Many of us looking back through life would say that the kindest man we have ever known has been a medical man, or perhaps that surgeon whose fine tact, directed by deeply informed perception, has come to us in our need with a more sublime beneficence than that of miracle-workers.


She had an exquisite tact and insight in relation to all points of manners; but the people she lived among were blunderers and busybodies.


Has the theory of the solar system been advanced by graceful manners and conversational tact?


The conversation proceeded, and I marvelled at the tact with which Mr.


He could exercise tact when dealing with the affairs of others, but none when dealing with his own.


He must be treated with infinite tact.


Strickland used her advantage with tact.

迷人四月天:Chapter 22

Wilkins therefore, desiring to assist Lady Caroline out of this situation by swiftly applied tact, said with much heartiness: "It is most proper, Briggs, that you should be thanked.

迷人四月天:Chapter 14

In the train he had selected the words of his greeting, going over them with care—some slight expression of his gratification in meeting one of whom he, in common with the whole world, had heard—but of course put delicately, very delicately; some slight reference to her distinguished parents and the part her family had played in the history of England—made, of course, with proper tact; a sentence or two about her eldest brother Lord Winchcombe, who had won his V.


Develop traits such as tact, diplomacy, compassion perceptiveness & sensitivity.


You can easily offend your loved ones with your lack of tact!

名人故事:凯撒·奥古斯都 Caesar Augustus

Augustus' own experience, his patience, his tact, and his political acumen also played their parts.


In almost every culture this little word is associated with rejection, failure, egoism and a lack of tact and empathy towards others.


But other companies are trying a different tact entirely.


The Ram's lack of tact and hot temper is just too devastating for your sensitive and insecure nature.


At one time lack of tact and good udge ment led to his shame.


People with tact have less to retract.


With whatever tact and wisdom we can muster, disabilities must be accepted with lightness and humor.


Develop traits such as tact, diplomacy, compassion perceptiveness & sensitivity.

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