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The researchers also state that whilst ice solves some problems, new problems arise, such as transportation of the robot would need to be cold enough to maintain its structure.

日本飞行汽车载人试飞成功 或于2023年面世

" "We want to realize a society where flying cars are an accessible and convenient means of transportation in the skies and people are able to experience a safe, secure, and comfortable new way of life.


But London-based transportation design firm PriestmanGoode has taken it a step further, and re-imagined how airplane cabins could be outfitted to make the environment safer for passengers and crew.


He noted that precaution measures will include robust testing, additional cleaning, extra locker room space, and dedicated housing and transportation.


Domestically, Kangxi's reign was a time of large-scale public works,such as repairing the Grand Canal to permit transportation of rice to feed the northern population, and dredging and banking the Huang He (Yellow River) to prevent destructive flooding.


From 1861 to 1894, leaders such as these, now turned scholar-administrators, were responsible for establishing modem institutions, developing basic industries, communications, and transportation, and modernizing the military.


He successfully replicated the legendary compass wagon and wooden oxen and horses, mechanical vehicles said to have been invented by Zhuge Liang and used to facilitate transportation.


If you take more expensive modes of transportation, calculate the cost difference.


Car God won't ask what kind of car you drove,He will ask how many people you drove who did not have transportation.


" Good urban design and effective mass transportation can also determine how much time we spend commuting to work, and how much time we spend behind the wheel of a car running errands—both of which ultimately impact the amount of time we have for joyfully engaging with friends, family, and community.


London has banned junk food advertisements on its public transportation in an effort to battle the country's severe obesity problems, especially among children.

Cinderella - The Real Story

Cindy told her she had no clothes or transportation.


The companies involved have committed to reducing their aggregate greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 and they've agreed to prioritize low-carbon transportation suppliers and favor climate-friendly materials.


China Mobile has established an institute to build 5G network, develop smart transportation and industrial application.


So instead, writing in IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, he and his colleague Nir Fulman describe an algorithm that can determine smart pricing, without the use of sensors.


The company will focus on the transportation industry and 5G, and deepen its R&D in smart transportation fields, including automated driving and in-flight connectivity.


Elon Musk unveiled his underground transportation tunnel last Tuesday, allowing reporters and invited guests to take some of the first rides in the revolutionary albeit bumpy subterranean tube -- the tech entrepreneur's answer to what he calls "soul-destroying traffic".

彻底禁用塑料无助环保 或增加温室气体排放量

Professor David Bucknall, who led the research, said that transportation of consumer goods in plastic packaging means fewer vehicles because plastic is lightweight.


in those times, we didn't have the communications or airplanes or many kinds of transportation that we do now.

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