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Visa rules eased for many foreigners China will simplify visa applications for many foreign nationals who have been inoculated with Chinese-produced COVID-19 vaccines, the latest step toward normalizing personnel exchanges.

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The commission's plan, which it hopes will be approved by national governments and the European parliament by mid-June, says all vaccines approved by the EMA should be automatically recognised by member states.

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Janelle Brind, vice president of Momentum Jets — a private jet service provider in Toronto, told the Journal she's seen interest from Canadians looking to travel to the US for vaccines.


This borrows from the logic of vaccines: A little bit of something bad helps you resist a full-blown case.


In remote areas in tropical countries, many people lack electricity and clinics are often unable to store vaccines or medicines that need to be chilled.


Until now, China had only three-strain vaccines on the market.


Such vaccines have proved effective against cervical cancer, the second most common cancer among Chinese women aged 15 to 44 after breast cancer.


5 Dogs - specifically dogs infected by the rabies virus - are one of the deadliest animals out there, though the virus can be prevented using vaccines.


Existing flu vaccines use surface proteins that lie on the outside of flu virus – the pinheads – to stimulate the body's immune system to produce disease-fighting antibodies.


WHO also noted problems with fake vaccines for diseases such as yellow fever.


The DPT vaccines' titer were substandard, "which might diminish the immunization effect but will not threaten people's health", the China Food and Drug Administration said in a statement.


Researchers have discovered a "very small door" that allows the testes to send one-way signals to the immune system, and it could explain why some men struggle with infertility, and why certain cancer vaccines keep failing.


KEEPING drugs, and particularly vaccines, potent in tropical climes is a challenge.


The aircraft help doctors speed up the identification of disease in patients and make quick deliveries of vaccines.


" In future, seasonal vaccines could be targeted at people of particular ages who are most likely to benefit, and in pandemics when medications are scarce, vulnerable age ranges could be prioritised for protective measures.


Great progress has been made in recent decades in medicine, including new vaccines and treatments for cancer.

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They acknowledge that this might sound crazy, but point to how far medicine and science have come in the last century — with vaccines, statins for heart disease, chemotherapy, and so on — following millennia with little progress.


" China has experienced a series of consumer safety scandals, including melamine-tainted baby formula in 2008 that killed six children and sickened 53,000, dangerous levels of heavy metals in rice and ineffective vaccines.


Google said its grant would help to raise awareness, reduce mosquito populations and support the development of vaccines.


He has posted pictures of her getting her first vaccines, celebrating her first New Year's Eve in her daddy's arms, and posing with Star Wars merchandise, including a baby light saber.

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