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com, Flash Fill will automatically produce "Trump, Donald" from donald.


America's bankers are backing the Democrats in record numbers as they fret over the unpredictability of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.


A number of lines in the robustly applauded speech delivered by Melania Trump at the Republican national convention on Monday night appear to have been lifted verbatim from a speech Michelle Obama delivered at the 2008 Democratic convention.


My grandmother had that self-satisfied look of someone who has thrown down an unbeatable trump card.


Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump dismissed his campaign manager last Monday as the New York billionaire developer was bogged down in controversies.


Trump called for a boycott of Apple in February when the company refused to unlock the iPhone of one of the gunmen in the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California in December.


Researchers from the University of California analyzed the vocal stylings of four US politicians–Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.


And the tax plan presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump is pushing would cut taxes for the top 0.


Seductive though that thought may be — particularly for a Brit living in Washington — there is a domestic subtext that can be summarised in two words: Donald Trump.


, However, in 1990, Trump himself acknowledged that he had sometimes posed as his own spokesman.


Just compare the flowing prose of John Adams and Abraham Lincoln to the simplified of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.


) Paulson's background is not an obvious platform from which to start a campaign to change the way that China builds its houses; least of all when other Republicans such as Donald Trump are winning votes with China-bashing.

特朗普还是希拉里 数据告诉你

If today's general election polling holds true, Hillary Clinton will easily defeat Donald Trump.


Because Trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground.


Trade with China has featured in the 2016 presidential campaign with Republican frontrunner Donald Trump regularly lambasting Beijing for taking unfair advantage of American companies.


The four leading candidates for president of the US — Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — all oppose the principal free-trade initiative of this period: the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


It hasn't escaped the notice of pundits that the political iconoclasts Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have something in common: they're sceptical about trade.


But, no, Silicon Valley does not inhabit a higher plane, and Apple's profits should not trump democratic choices about security.


"Donald Trump has his finger on the lurking, deep-seated fear of the throwaway citizen," he says.


come out swinging After a day off, Hillary and Trump this morning again launched another hard week of campaigning, and they both came out swinging.

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