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The range, which isn't available in shops, includes especially designed chopsticks, a spork for picking up bugs, and a set of claws which slide over the fingers and help when eating bugs like crisps.


#10: Say NO to Headphones #10: Wearing headphones create a great habitation for bugs, alike to a swamp.


When it comes to bugs like bacteria and parasites, we've been trained to think that less is better.


Slugs, snails, and other bugs will go in for a drink and never come out again!


As well as worsening cancer, the bugs have also been found to worsen the bowel condition ulcerative colitis, which in turn is also linked to cancer.


However, few Americans can say the word rabbit without thinking of the clever cartoon character Bugs Bunny.

环境污染蚊虫增多 泰姬陵正在变绿

Like generations of romance-driven human couples before them, the bugs have swarmed the Taj Mahal on a mating flight, excreting a green substance on parts of its marble walls.


Many myths exist; for example, the idea that eating bananas can repel the bugs doesn't hold up.


The mosquito heat map will allow people to avoid areas with high concentrations of bugs, and help authorities to better direct pest control efforts, the project's website notes.


Prolonged lack of sleep can disrupt your immune system, so you're less able to fend off bugs.


In the insect lab, Rajesh shows his fear for bugs.


Eat with your left hand at parties Hands can carry illness-causing bacteria and bugs.

苹果发布iOS9.1系统版本 新增150个表情

It also fixes bugs in tools like CarPlay and the app switcher.


Officially known as cerumen, earwax is part of the ear's own cleaning system, designed to stop incoming dust, dirt, bacteria -- even bugs -- in the ear canal and ferry them out again.


Sure, it's comfortable, but touching your face excessively may be an enemy to good skin care or hygiene, because it spreads bacteria and other bugs.

总被蚊子叮 跟父母基因有关!

Non-identical twins, who only share about 50 per cent of their genes, differ in the degree to which they attract the bugs, the scientists found.


Keep foundations out of moist environments (such as your bathroom) and away from heat, as high temperatures encourage the growth of the bugs and can speed up the spoiling—true for beauty products in general.


: That noise really bugs me.


Like any good trilogy "House of Cards" seems to have worked out the bugs in this third season.


Get any shots that you require if you are going to places like Belize, which has bugs as big as footballs, and jungles that sport diseases that haven't been invented in humans yet.

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