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Her audacity in expressing the pursuit of true love and delicacy in the depiction of emotions reflect her intuition of being a female.


Since Burger King started trialling its new chip butty sandwich in New Zealand, Brits haven't held back when it came to mocking for 'creating' the staple British delicacy.


His passions are strong but quick and he considers them entirely animal, to be satisfied and disposed of without development or delicacy.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第43期:第三章丹尼莉丝 (9)

", He moved with surprising delicacy for such a massive man.


Braising them with pork or shrimp brings out the best flavor of this seasonal delicacy.


With delicacy and transporting camera movements, he brings you into Emily's everyday life, touching close to the people that she deeply loved and into the rooms that they shared.


It's a staple lunch-choice for city-workers all over the country and you're never far from a restaurant or supermarket selling the traditional Japanese delicacy.


Spanish Delicacy: Clam, Chorizo & White Bean Stew : Ingredients 50g chorizo, diced 50g, 1 onion, finely chopped 1, 1 garlic clove, crushed 1, Small bunch flat-leaf parsley, ½ finely chopped, ½ roughly chopped ,, 200ml hot stock, fish or vegetable 200ml, 400g can chopped tomatoes 400g 400g can butter beans or white beans, rinsed and drained 400g,、 1 tsp sherry vinegar 1 600g clams, cleaned 600g, crusty bread, to serve , Meth


Even though eels are a great delicacy for most Chinese, the Yus never killed anything, so their servants put the eels into a big pottery urn and prepared to let them go someday.


And when you consider that snails are a delicacy in nations including France, people in Thailand already happily tuck into grasshoppers and crickets, and not much separates a prawn from a scorpion, then it all seems a lot more palatable.

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Florencio Sanchidrián has been slicing Iberian ham (jamon) for the last three decades and today his name is synonymous with the Spanish delicacy.


The Su Embroidery is known for its delicacy and elegance.

阿胶需求量太大 尼日尔的驴都不够用

Aside from gelatin, donkey meat is a delicacy in some Chinese regions, especially in the north of the country.


The best time to go is during hairy crab season (September through November), when Duddell's serves multiple iterations of the delicacy.


Although jellyfish can be poisonous they are considered something of a delicacy in China, as as both tasty and a good source of collagen.


The cheap "delicacy" is made from gluten, the stuff that makes bread dough chewy.


At the moment, Kamchatka crab is a delicacy in London restaurants, where the ability to select a live, angry, metre-wide creature from a tank and have it killed and brought steaming to the table is a spectacle that delights the super rich.


The way that pigs from Spain's Iberico breed are fed and raised makes the cured ham a delicacy prized for its unique texture and taste, which is enhanced by the sweet and nutty flavor of the acorns the pigs eat.


Some people eat them as a delicacy.

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