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It might just be — though nobody is betting on it — that a few of the hundreds now playing in the China are intrigued by the challenge of a different culture.


The mouse was intrigued by what food the package may contain.


"Best of Enemies" documents the aftermath: News producers, intrigued by ABC's ratings increase, began pitting liberals against conservatives.


And I was intrigued by online raves about the Sari Organik Warung Bodag Maliah, depicted as an organic restaurant in a pristine location amid rice fields.


Researchers Alex Jones at Bangor University and Robin Kramer at Aberdeen University in the UK were intrigued by the responses.

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" 'Clients are intrigued, but after the hour-long treatment users say it gives a shimmery, iridescent effect to the skin.


" Intrigued by the idea of preserving odor, Katia began to investigate if she could actually make it happen.


When you are interested or intrigued by something which you think could be a good prospect for you/the business.


The researchers had been intrigued by how the animals digest bamboo fibre and extract nutrients from it.


This 2014 film from Argentine screenwriter and director Damián Szifron, which was shown at the Beijing International Film Festival (April 16-23), intrigued audiences with its off-kilter humor and unexpected plotline.


'While the first four senses are already well established or emerging, I am particularly intrigued by the potential of taste and exploiting the taste experiences in a media context.


" Naturally the villagers were intrigued and soon a fire was put to the town's greatest kettle as the soldiers dropped in three smooth stones.

单身狗有救了 虚拟完美男友来陪你

The real-life date, he says, wasn't upset at all, but became more intrigued.


"What immediately intrigued me about the results was to rethink marriage as a whole," Mr.


When you see the trailer for Coming Home (《》), Zhang Yimou's latest project, you may not feel intrigued by it at first, due to the film's senior cast and historic setting.


During the decades, people are intrigued by the profit, even some doctors do.


The transformed ad also had the details of the Double Grill and Bar restaurant revealed so intrigued viewers could try out the steaks for themselves.


Thirteen months ago, in a Florida library he took a book off the shelf and found himself intrigued with the notes in the margin.


Taking a book off the shelf he found himself intrigued, not with the words of the book, but with the notes penciled in the margin.


The future Princess was intrigued to finally meet the most eligible bachelor in England, thought she was not impressed with his five-foot-ten-inch height, thinking to herself that she would tower over him in high heels.

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