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" "Pray do not mention him in that light again, uncle," said Dorothea, feeling some of her late irritation revive.


"It is painful to me to see these creatures that are bred merely as pets," said Dorothea, whose opinion was forming itself that very moment (as opinions will) under the heat of irritation.


All his irritation was gone, and he felt—eh bien, oui, je ne le nie pas—he felt an overwhelming pity.


" I clenched my hands, seeking to control my irritation.


There is no cruelty greater than a woman's to a man who loves her and whom she does not love; she has no kindness then, no tolerance even, she has only an insane irritation.


Stroeve's irritation.


" Catherine said no more, and, with an endeavour to do right, applied to her work; but, after a few minutes, sunk again, without knowing it herself, into languor and listlessness, moving herself in her chair, from the irritation of weariness, much oftener than she moved her needle.


Her explanation, defective only in being—from her irritation of nerves and shortness of breath—no explanation at all, was instantly given.

迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Fisher to irritation, "except Mr.

迷人四月天:Chapter 1

She turned away from the window with the same gesture of mingled irritation and resignation with which she had laid down The Times, and crossed the room towards the door with the intention of getting her mackintosh and umbrella and fighting her way into one of the overcrowded omnibuses and going to Shoolbred's on her way home and buying some soles for Mellersh's dinner—Mellersh was difficult with fish and liked only soles, except salmon—when she beheld Mrs.


The widder wouldn't let me smoke; she wouldn't let me yell, she wouldn't let me gape, nor stretch, nor scratch, before folks—" [Then with a spasm of special irritation and injury]—"And dad fetch it, she prayed all the time!


I will make allowances for his anger and irritation of today for he knows not the secret of controlling his mind.


I will make allowances for his anger and irritation of today for he knows not the secret of controlling his mind.


It's best toapply cold eye cream in the morning; at night, the product canmigrate into your eyes and create swelling and irritation.


I've felt the warm guttural glow of knowing I earned more than somebody, and the baseless grey irritation of knowing that I earn less than another.


"I can feel the nose and eye irritation just from the smoke that's coming off of their clothes - and I'm halfway across the room," says Farber, also an associate professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine.


Reading through their injury report, people have said they got skin irritation, burns, and worse from using oils in a variety of harmless-sounding ways.


Alkaline products can disrupt the outer skin layer and prevent the skin from protecting itself properly causing dryness and irritation.


Mascara can harbor bacteria which can cause infections leading to redness, light sensitivity and irritation and, in rare cases, even blindness.


A sore throat refers to pain, itchiness, or irritation of the throat.

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