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万物简史 第34期:走进太阳系(12)

To reach the next landmark of consequence, Sirius, would involve another 4.


The couple looked in the throes of love as they stopped to take a selfie at the iconic landmark, after Katy struggled to keep her hat on from a sudden gust of wind.


The UK's largest coffee retailer, Costa Coffee, has committed to recycling half a billion coffee cups a year by 2020 in a landmark act to tackle plastic waste.


"The ban on foreign garbage imports is a landmark measure for the country's construction of an ecological civilization and should be implemented unswervingly and effectively," the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said in an online statement.

研究发现 节食减肥或可摆脱二型糖尿病

" The charity Diabetes UK says the trial is a landmark and has the potential to help millions of patients.


Climbing on Australia's iconic Uluru landmark will be banned from October 2019, local authorities have confirmed.


That's down from about 42% of adults in 1965, the year after the landmark surgeon general's report that found smoking caused lung cancer in men.


Following last month's milestone when the jobs-to-applicants ratio exceeded its peak from the 1990 bubble, another landmark is close, as the jobs-to-applicants ratio for regular, full-time workers rose to a high of 0.


As a landmark in Madrid, Plaza de Espana used to consist of a luxury hotel, a business center and a number of apartments before 2006.


The shoes will also count the number of steps you've taken and the calories you've burned – and they'll even buzz to warn you you've left your phone behind, or to alert you when you're travelling past an interesting landmark.


Google's data centres and the offices for its 60,000 staff will be powered entirely by renewable energy from next year, in what the company has called a "landmark moment".


A landmark park in Beijing is using face recognition software to wipe out toilet paper theft from its bathrooms once and for all.


" It was used to toast President Richard Nixon on his landmark trip to China in 1972.

大卫•洛克菲勒去世 享年101岁

While his father had created the landmark Rockefeller Center and brother John D?


"Reports commissioned over the years indicated that this landmark would be hard hit by unavoidable natural corrosion," he said on Twitter.


"We are going to build a 43-floor landmark in northern Sydney", said a New Hope official.


The Dynamic Group claims that the landmark will offer a 'wellness experience' rather than simply work as a hotel.


Several days ago, we came a step closer to answering that tantalising question with the landmark announcement by Nasa scientists of the discovery of a new solar system that has at least three Earth-like planets — with climates that just might support life.


The report is a landmark because it in effect amounts to an official sanctioning – by the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine – of medical research that looks to edit, remove or add DNA in human eggs cells, sperm or embryos.


Theresa May has set out a new role for a "global Britain" outside Europe's single market in a landmark speech outlining plans for the UK's epochal EU exit.

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