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When respondents explained why they weren't transparent, most said that they wanted to avoid being judged, and didn't want to be lectured about how bad certain behaviors were.


Liu said he hopes the company's ultra-thin, transparent and flexible electronics will help reshape the future of smart home, automotive, consumer electronics and wearable products.


For example, if a Chinese individual or a member of the news media comments on American politics in a transparent and lawful manner, it should not be misportrayed as official interference.


The blockchain is a digital ledger system that uses sophisticated cryptographic techniques to create a permanent, unchangeable and transparent record of exchanges to trace transactions.

为抵制军事项目合作 十几名谷歌员工正集体请辞

The employees who are resigning in protest, several of whom discussed their decision to leave with Gizmodo, say that executives have become less transparent with their workforce about controversial business decisions and seem less interested in listening to workers' objections than they once did.

乔布斯传 第3期:前言(3)

But I've done the best I can to balance conflicting accounts fairly and be transparent about the sources I used.


"" The Belt and Road Initiative is open, inclusive and transparent "",.


The expressway will be made of three layers: transparent concrete on the top, photovoltaic panels in the middle to generate electricity, and insulation on the bottom.


5-metre-wide transparent footpath is covered with three-layered laminated glass panels.


Leaders who are authentic are transparent and forthcoming.


Following a public uproar, Tim Cook told ABC News Apple's next iOS update will be more transparent about the health of your phone battery.


Also, against the backdrop of price globalization, Chinese consumers are seeing a more transparent and convenient domestic luxury market.


The bottle was completely transparent, one could see the two peanuts clearly from outside.


Women often say they want men to be emotionally transparent with them.


"It is vitally important that [these measures are] proportionate, consistent, non-discriminatory and formulated in a transparent manner.


When applied to the face or body, the thin, transparent layer adheres to the skin and supports the tissue, making it look and behave like younger skin, its creators claim.

住建部发布新规 房屋租赁市场将规范

Housing brokers should make information such as housing prices and brokerage fees more transparent, and should not disclose or improperly use client information, according to the statement.


A set of concentric rings, alternately transparent and opaque, will scatter and spread light waves in a manner that causes them to reinforce each other some distance away, and thus form an image.


This new material is "transparent, self-healing, highly stretchable material that can be electrically activated and could be used to improve batteries, electronic devices, and robots," according to a blog post from UC Riverside.


"A chaotic tourism industry harms all involved - travel agencies, tour guides and tourists," Ren said, adding that a transparent, orderly industry, which is expected to be brought about after the implementation of the new measures, will benefit all.

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