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It has made celebrities out of people as varied as train conductors, ice fishermen, female welders in shipyards and would-be guitar heroes in ramshackle hamlets.


For several years, celebrities, political leaders and passionate wildlife advocates around the world have been urging China to put a stop to its ivory trade.


Andy, Max, Alex and Charlie are all on the list, with female celebrities boasting the name including actress Andie MacDowell and former Eastenders star Charlie Brooks.


If there's one thing we can learn from celebrities, it's to be careful about what you say and whom you say it to.


" 'For more and more children and young people, online celebrities and YouTube gaming "vloggers" have taken the place of TV and movie stars,' the report said.

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In contrast, her relationship with Brad Pitt, one of the world's most handsome celebrities, has already lasted six years, suggesting she has found her match.


James Endersby, of Opinium Research, said: "Male celebrities are seen wearing 'manscara' and 'guyliner' and everybody thinks it's normal.


George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Jude Law are all celebrities with high degrees of facial symmetry.


Andy, Max, Alex and Charlie are all on the list, with female celebrities boasting the name including actress Andie MacDowell and former Eastenders star Charlie Brooks.


If there's one thing we can learn from celebrities, it's to be careful about what you say and whom you say it to.


Sadblock's range allows you to block upsetting political content, or videos of abused animals, or stories about certain celebrities.


Sheep have been trained to recognize the faces of celebrities, including former U.

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Dubbed "iTeachers", these teachers have become known as "intellectual online celebrities.


We all have our bucket list crushes of celebrities, but if someone in our real-life world is sexy as hell, let's NOT announce it to our spouse!


Beyonce and JK Rowling took second and third spot, but women comprise just 16% of the world's top-earning celebrities.


The most common shape is the rectangle, with celebrities including David Beckham and Harry Styles falling within this group.


Numerous celebrities also took part in the global activity, such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga.


Oliver Bray, a partner at international law firm RPC, said the move was usually reserved for those who were already celebrities.


Questions about finance and economics, as well as health attracts the most people and offers a new way for celebrities to translate their fame into cash.


From the Duchess of Cambridge to Rihanna and Jennifer Lawrence, celebrities have been spotted carrying tiny versions of designers' full-size offerings.

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