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You may have seen celebrities from a distance but one web user wanted to know about the times' people had actually come face to face with these icons ,,,.

力压众明星 普京写真日历销量在日本高居第一

The 365-days-of-Putin may look like a gag gift, but it's more popular than calendars featuring some of the Asian island's biggest celebrities -- including television heartthrob Kei Tanaka, whose calendar ranks second in sales, and two-time Olympic figure skating champion Yuzuru Hanyu, who's in third.


" "It's become so bad that her lawyer Laura Wasser, who has represented many divorcing celebrities over the years, such as Ashton Kutcher during his split from Demi Moore, Heidi Klum and Seal as well as Mariah Carey amid her divorce from Nick Cannon, is apparently going to quit and has 'made it known' to Jolie because it's become too 'venomous'.


It's a diet that has been embraced by celebrities, Silicon Valley CEOs and many health experts.


It seems donning a comedy moustache and glasses isn't enough for some celebrities looking to evade unwanted attention.

研究显示 我们更善于记住名字而不是面孔

When people were shown celebrities, they also remembered their names with slightly more accuracy than their photographs.


Cara Delevingne has been named as one of the richest British celebrities aged 30 and under.

新研究发现 人们平均能够记住5000张面孔!

"In everyday life, we are used to identifying friends, colleagues, and celebrities, and many other people by their faces," Rob Jenkins, from York's Department of Psychology, told AFP.

詹姆斯湖人首战 不仅仅是场篮球赛

Celebrities will pack courtside and settle to be peppered among the rows closest to the floor.


Sure, for the women in the first cohort, there are many celebrities on campus.


A heated debate on China's new feminine-looking male celebrities has flooded Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo, as the country's State broadcaster aired four young male singers in its television special "First Class of the New Semester" on Sept 1.

给NBA球星起外号 我们是认真的

In China there is a strong incentive to come up with short and pithy nicknames for foreign athletes and celebrities, because the phonetic transcriptions of western names used in official sources are incredibly long and dull.


In the past, the authors write, patients would show up to their plastic surgeon's office with photos of celebrities that had been edited to perfection in magazine spreads.


" Online beauty stars form an enormous industry in China, with internet celebrities known as "wang hong", or online stars, blurring the line between entertainment and e-commerce.


" Online beauty stars form an enormous industry in China, with internet celebrities known as "wang hong", or online stars, blurring the line between entertainment and e-commerce.


While the White House refuses to reveal how many children are still detained in cages and separated from their parents, celebrities are using their platform to send a message directly to Ivanka and call on her to have U.


" "It's become so bad that her lawyer Laura Wasser, who has represented many divorcing celebrities over the years, such as Ashton Kutcher during his split from Demi Moore, Heidi Klum and Seal as well as Mariah Carey amid her divorce from Nick Cannon, is apparently going to quit and has 'made it known' to Jolie because it's become too 'venomous'.


The prince is the youngest addition to the 30-strong list, appearing alongside his mother the Duchess of Cambridge, 36, aunt the Duchess of Sussex, 36, 'gan-gan' the Queen, 92, and celebrities including Amal Clooney, Lily James and Harry Styles.

报告显示 网红及粉丝规模渐壮大

Both the number of online celebrities and their fans have seen rapid growth in the past year, according to a report by Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo and consulting firm iResearch.


Its virtues have also been extolled by celebrities and so-called health experts for a number of reasons.

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