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中国互联网教育受欢迎 催生新职业'网师'

Dubbed "iTeachers", these teachers have become known as "intellectual online celebrities.


The milestone meant China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), dubbed "artificial sun," became the world's first tokamak device to achieve the 100-second-level, Hefei Institute of Physical Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences said.


It is now believed that the phenomenon, dubbed 'smartphone face' could be behind the growing trend for skin tightening treatments and chin implants which cost around £4,290.

中国影视剧非洲吸粉 家庭剧最受欢迎

More and more Africans are falling in love with Chinese TV series and movies, as an increasing number of them are dubbed for broadcast into English, French, Swahili and Hausa.


Chef Yujia Hu, 28, is the Milan-based mastermind behind what has been dubbed 'shoe-shi', edible pieces of sushi that looks just like mini trendy sneakers.

研究人员研发新式拇指键盘 手机打字更高效

The new design has been dubbed KALQ, after the order of keys on one line.


If that is not impressive enough, Chou – dubbed the "King of Asian Pop" – broke 11 Australian musical performance records with his 2009 concert in Sydney.


Meanwhile, BlackRock has for the first time publicly backed the inclusion of onshore stocks in MSCI's indices, and Chinese officials have even criticised dividend-dodging companies, dubbed "iron cockerels", and promised extra scrutiny.


The new world - dubbed LHS 1140b - is ten times closer to its parent star than Earth but because a red dwarf is far cooler than our own yellow dwarf, the planet still sits in the habitable zone.


" Yasha, who has been dubbed a 'human calculator', is now in his final year and plans to start a Phd when he finishes his course.


In fact, in 2007, the BMJ dubbed it one of the most common medical myths.


And the verdict for the brew, which some have dubbed 'toilet to tap,' seemed to be quite positive, SF Gate reported.


Dubbed "Uber for bikes", they are the product of a whole host of new startups, aggressively competing for territory and investment.


The plan, dubbed the NASA project, is expected to cover core technologies such as machine learning, chips, the Internet of Things and biometric identification.


This is the famous conundrum dubbed the 'Fermi Paradox'.


While Weibo has been dubbed China's Twitter it is in some ways more akin to YouTube with a dash of Instagram thrown in.


This new feature, dubbed "Xiaochengxu" (Little Program), allows WeChat users to find a variety of services such as ticket buying by scanning a quick-response code, saving them the trouble of installing a number of different apps on smart devices, according to the transcript of a speech by Zhang Xiaolong, Tencent's senior executive vice president, last Wednesday.


He has bragged that a fan had dubbed him the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters.


" With the new phone, dubbed Mate 9, Yu expects to make a break in European markets such as Germany, France and Great Britain.


California-based Faraday was launched at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, with the glitzy unveiling of a Batmobile-style concept car, dubbed FFZero1.

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