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乔布斯传 第70期:马库拉入伙(4)

, was officially created, 197713,----, and it bought out the old partnership that had been formed by Jobs and Wozniak nine months earlier.

乔布斯传 第64期:苹果二代风暴(2)

He told Steve Wozniak that he was willing to call off the partnership.

乔布斯传 第58期:苹果一代的诞生(3)

Because they had structured Apple as a simple partnership rather than a corporation, ,, the partners would be personally liable for the debts, and Wayne was afraid potential creditors would go after him.

乔布斯传 第57期:苹果一代的诞生(2)

His argument was that a great engineer would be remembered only if he teamed with a great marketer, ,,,, and this required him to commit his designs to the partnership.

乔布斯传 第56期:苹果一代的诞生(1)

Instead the key was to convince him that his computer designs would be owned by the Apple partnership.


The partnership paved the way for what would be a bigger adventure together.


Significantly, it has deepened its partnership with Panasonic in an effort to accelerate commercialisation of solid-state batteries, which can hold higher power and charge in less time than conventional lithium ion batteries.


The NFL's partnership with Tencent brought live NFL games and non-game content to Tencent's hundreds of millions users across Mainland China during the 2017 regular season.


In a speech at the southern port city of Nanjing, Mr Wang committed to launching 1,000 mixed-use Wanda Plazas by 2028 in partnership with electronics retailer Suning, which is backed by Alibaba.


But it also brought full circle the troubled partnership of Cameron (Mackenzie Davis) and Donna (Kerry Bishé), their passion for discovery rekindled by four magic words: "I have an idea.


The Italian baked goods will come from a new partnership with Princi, a small chain of seven "boutique bakeries" in Milan and London.


The flights are held as part of a partnership with AHA — Iceland's largest shopping and retail website which operates in Reykjavik.


When executives at Valencell, a North Carolina-based tech company, agreed to meet Apple researchers in 2013 to discuss the heart-rate sensor technology they had developed for mobile fitness trackers, they probably envisioned a potentially lucrative partnership with one of the wealthiest companies in the world.


The companies didn't comment on whether the partnership would expand beyond greater Los Angeles, but called the 7-Eleven deal the "first step in Soylent's retail distribution plan.


" "Building this partnership between Girls LOVE Travel and Overnight presents members with a peer-to-peer network platform to help answer those concerns by providing members a cost-effective opportunity to stay with ladies they have met within our online community.


McDonald's announced last Friday it has halted a long-standing commercial partnership with the International Olympic Committee three years early.


Inquisitr reports that Cameron's production company Lightstorm Entertainment has extended its partnership with Christie Digital granting it access to the latter's new RGB laser projection system.


23)Libra rules the House of Partnership, which means they tend to be socially inclined and more interested in other people than themselves.


LIBRA As the Sign of Marriage and Partnership, Libra will be a big fan of the romance genre when it comes to both books and movies.


The smartphone, which includes an advanced camera developed in partnership with Leica, was launched with the price of £480 for the most basic model.

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