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Don't be defensive or apologetic, but don't be defiant either.


If you feel yourself growing defensive or getting angry, repeat the question 'What can I learn?


Profit warnings, mass job cuts, share price plunges and defensive capital raisings have abounded.

经营感情的奥秘 摒弃10个坏习惯

Even "constructive" criticism can make your partner defensive and reduce the feeling of safety in a relationship.


Don't cross your arms or legs You have probably already heard you shouldn't cross your arms as it might make you seem defensive or guarded.


If you're like a lot of people, negative feedback can be rough to hear, and you might get defensive or upset or shut down.


"That's a terrible idea" isn't going to win you any congeniality awards, and it will probably make the other person defensive.


The response put him and NBC on the defensive; military veterans took him to task, and media commentators and viewers claimed he had lost the trust so critical to a network news anchor.

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Conceived by Google as a defensive strategy to ensure its internet services were not locked out of mobile handsets by companies such as Apple or Microsoft, the software has turned into the dominant smartphone platform, accounting for about 80 per cent of the market worldwide.


But before he gets his license and starts driving, he has to understand that the American style of driving is defensive, not offensive.


oAdmit your mistakes and avoid being defensive.

七个原因告诉你 人缘好更容易成功!

Less-likeable people create stress, tension and can even make people defensive and on edge.


Trust me, it'll work to your advantage in the long-run: If you get defensive whenever she wants to spend time with a guy, she'll assume it's because you're not being faithful when you're around other women.


"What we see is a consistent pattern where it looks like human immune cells are programmed with a defensive strategy that gets activated in lonely people," Cole said.

拒绝被骗 教你如何分分钟识破谎言

A person who is telling a lie will get defensive.


Although very little remains of the domestic buildings of Britain's prehistoric peoples, their graves, religious monuments and defensive structures can be seen throughout the islands.

英语名人名言: England 英格兰

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "King John", Act 5 scene 7 This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands,-- This ble


Approach individuals by e-mail first, and don't put them on the defensive by asking for a job outright.

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