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According to figures published in October by diversity campaign group Opportunity Now, a little more than a 10th of women working across banking and financial services said they had suffered sexual harassment.


It also emerged that people will check the train times, do their banking and update Instagram early on in the day.


At Wells Fargo, managers have dreamt up a new ratio to track alongside such banking stalwarts as provision coverage and capital adequacy.


I first learned this lesson in investment banking, a high-octane profession with large egos and assertive personalities and in which humility can be a weakness.


Really, this is reflective of how much the British hate the smarminess of self-promotion, which is probably why we all feel so uneasy about going into sleazy banking jobs.


A looming problem, the agency's analysts highlighted, was the lack of options for the Russian central bank, which will have to decide this year between propping up the ruble or helping the teetering domestic banking sector.


Despite being 15 years old, online payment system PayPal only accounts for about 10 per cent of online payments, says Bob Graham, senior vice-president for banking and financial services at consulting firm Virtusa.


The low long-term interest rates on government bonds and improved condition of the banking sector could well start to drive borrowing and spending.

中国的厕所革命 从马桶开始

Proper pundits mutter darkly about rule of law and universal suffrage, shadow banking and debt defaults.


Before we go any further, a lot of very respectable opinion says that relaxing prudential standards is exactly what you should do at a time of crisis, to stop the risks in a weak banking system from crystallizing all at once, and making things worse than they need to be.


The Russian government and central bank have in the past week stepped in with measures to support the rouble and the financial system, including forcing state exporters to sell foreign currency, loosening capital requirements on banks, and the promise of a Rbs1tn recapitalisation of the banking sector.


Be competent with taxes and banking.


After months of indiscriminate fear, widespread losses and government hand-holding, the banking industry is gradually stabilising.

New steps to help homeowners

Federal banking regulators are strengthening lending standards and making mortgages easier to understand.


This is similar to previous recessions, when men have lost jobs at higher rates, mainly because more men work in hard-hit industries, such as manufacturing, banking and construction.


Banking is such a boring business; I believe I'll take a short snooze.


Don't forget to look for free online banking and ease of depositing and withdrawing money.


The banking system (Bank of England 1694, the Bank of Scotland 1696), the Stock Exchange and new company structures were important developments in commerce that helped make possible the rise of the British economy to the point at which, in Victorian times, it was called "the workshop of the world".


I sat there wondering why we had computerized banking if we were still filling in forms and registers.

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