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: For the purpose of calendar reform, Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty employed astronomers throughout the country.


Recently,a team of astronomers led by physicist Shelley Wright of the University of California,San Diego is deploying a pair of telescopes,hoping to continuously search for intelligent life signals from our galaxy in the night sky.


"Astronomers have discovered thousands of new extrasolar planets recently and are developing the capacity to see surface biosignatures" in the light reflected from these planets, he told Live Science.


Astronomers have announced the possible discovery of the first known moon outside our Solar System.


'Our results are valuable for astronomers who study neutron stars,' Caplan says.

月球两极附近分布水冰 或为人类访客提供水源

Astronomers have found patches of frost scattered around the moon's north and south poles which could one day provide a source of water for human visitors.


A team of astronomers discovered recently that it is none other than Hydrogen Sulfide, a gas that gives it that distinct smell and which is present abundantly in the atmosphere of Uranus.


Among these eight, astronomers say there are two that are the most similar to Earth of any known exoplanets to date.

万物简史 第41期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(5)

In the early 1930s, he turned his attention to a question that had long troubled astronomers: 2030,: the appearance in the sky of occasional unexplained points of light, new stars.

万物简史 第28期:走进太阳系(6)

After Christy spotted Pluto's moon, , astronomers began to regard that section of the cosmos more attentively , and as of early December 2002 had found over six hundred additional Trans-Neptunian Objects, or Plutinos as they are alternatively called.

万物简史 第27期:走进太阳系(5)

A lot of astronomers believe it isn't a planet at all, ,, but merely the largest object so far found in a zone of galactic debris known as the Kuiper belt.

万物简史 第26期:走进太阳系(4)

Lowell was posthumously hailed everywhere as a genius of the first order, , and Tombaugh was largely forgotten, except among planetary astronomers, ,, who tend to revere him.

万物简史 第24期:走进太阳系(2)

The answer is that it is partly a matter of where astronomers point their instruments :、 and partly a matter of what their instruments are designed to detect, and partly it's just Pluto.

万物简史 第23期:走进太阳系(1)

Astronomers these days can do the most amazing things.

万物简史 第12期:如何营造一个宇宙(4)

but it didn't really become an active notion in cosmology until the mid-1960s when two young radio astronomers made an extraordinary and inadvertent discovery.


Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have found the farthest star ever observed.


The team of three dozen astronomers, data analysts and planetary scientists detailed their findings in two research papers submitted to the Astrophysical Journal and discussed their findings Wednesday during a press conference held by NASA.


But the ultimate goal of finding a world that truly resembles our own has continued to elude astronomers.


In those brief moments, the light from the star would flow through the planet's atmosphere, allowing astronomers to study the wavelengths produced and infer the atmosphere's chemical composition.


Astronomers estimate the age of the planet to be at least five billion years, just a little older than Earth.

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