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美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 8》

In fact, the two were becoming more intimate every day, and every day Fauntleroy's faith in his lordship's benevolence and virtue increased.


There was an entire absence of effusive benevolence in his manner; there was something almost cold in the gravity of his look and voice.


" "I'm sure he approves you," said Stephen, smiling at her affectionately; "your conduct in going out to-night looks vicious, I own, but I know there is benevolence at the bottom of it.


And Lucy had so much of this benevolence in her nature that I am inclined to think her small egoisms were impregnated with it, just as there are people not altogether unknown to you whose small benevolences have a predominant and somewhat rank odor of egoism.


As for uncle Glegg, the thing lay quite beyond his imagination; the good-natured man felt sincere pity for the Tulliver family, but his money was all locked up in excellent mortgages, and he could run no risk; that would be unfair to his own relatives; but he had made up his mind that Tulliver should have some new flannel waistcoats which he had himself renounced in favour of a more elastic commodity, and that he would buy Mrs Tulliver a pound of tea now and then; it would be a journey which his


There was no spiteful disposition towards her; rather, there was a busy benevolence anxious to ascertain what it would be well for her to feel and do under the circumstances, which of course kept the imagination occupied with her character and history from the times when she was Harriet Vincy till now.


It was only an act of benevolence which your noble heart would approve.


He felt an odd mixture of delight and vexation: of delight that he could dwell and be cherished in her thought as in a pure home, without suspicion and without stint—of vexation because he was of too little account with her, was not formidable enough, was treated with an unhesitating benevolence which did not flatter him.


Morland had been always kindly disposed towards each, and instantly, pleased by his appearance, received him with the simple professions of unaffected benevolence; thanking him for such an attention to her daughter, assuring him that the friends of her children were always welcome there, and entreating him to say not another word of the past.

旅游英语:颐和园 The Summer Palace

The garden consists of three parts: the political activity area, the empress's living quarter and the scenic area which separately centers on the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity(1), the Hall of Jade Ripples(2) and the Hall of Happiness and Longevity(3), and Longevity Hill(4) and Kunming Lake.


Their rule over the majority ofculturedand highly sophisticated Chinese population was only possible by a mixture of authoritarianism, or force, and paternalism, or benevolence.


Happiness and joy are born from love, compassion and benevolence.


Employees should focus on their competence, values, and benevolence in order to build trust.


Benevolence and Courtesy """" Confucianism advocates benevolence and courtesy among people.


Why should the emperor bother, Ji An said, with pretending to implement the policy of benevolence and justice since he was so greedy and avaricious within himself?


The animal kingdom bore testimony to the benevolence, greatness and, at times, the sense of humour of God.


"From the beginning, we set out to build a company designed to balance profit with conscience, benevolence and social impact," he told me.


Once, Emperor Wudi said that he would implement the policy of benevolence and justice of Confucianism and would do good turns to the people.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(136)

"A world of thanks for your benevolence, Agha sahib.


Thereupon, the son of the Meng family who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qin to advocate "benevolence and righteousness".

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