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He felt sure that if he did not come to a bargain with the farmer, Bambridge would; for the stress of circumstances, Fred felt, was sharpening his acuteness and endowing him with all the constructive power of suspicion.


Casaubon's studies, Will observed, had always been of too broad a kind for that, and he had perhaps never felt any such sudden effect, but for himself he confessed that Rome had given him quite a new sense of history as a whole: the fragments stimulated his imagination and made him constructive.


Ms Morgan said she was "anxious" to change the Welsh Government's relationship with the UK government to help sell Wales abroad, adding they wanted the best possible Brexit deal and would be "constructive partners".

控制你的情绪 Control Your Emotion

PMA and self-discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purposes.


It may be constructive to view "winter" as a market downturn (although in human emotions, this is accompanied by fear and panic, which is usually not elicited by a normal winter).

七种你肯定会遇到的讨厌人 如何应对

What to do about it: : Well, there is always a polite way to say "no" and offer a constructive solution.


Be critical but constructive.


Be critical but constructive.


We usually get bugged by these people and blank our ears out of their constructive suggestions.


Pence did say in his speech that he hopes to establish a constructive relationship with China.


"Healthy social influence occurs between most people, and is part of the give and take of constructive relationships," Preston Ni, wrote in Psychology Today.


" And then, good service to those of us who think giving constructive criticism is our religious calling: "Always complimentary.


"I wouldn't have done it that way" "" Even if you're using this as a preface to constructive criticism, a narcissist will only hear that they didn't do something right and you could do it better-"and that threatens their sense of self-esteem twice," says Durvasula.


Squares: If you're etching squares then this expresses a down-to-earth, practical and constructive nature.


What to do about it: : Well, there is always a polite way to say "no" and offer a constructive solution.


He remarked that China will keep playing a constructive role in global climate governance and lead international cooperation on climate change.


A great teacher uses constructive criticism and advice as an opportunity to grow as an educator.


Think back to an occasion when you were forced to work, or do anything constructive or collaborative, in excessive heat.


Working off some of that negative energy in constructive ways, like exercising or writing in a journal, also can help.


" She added that "critical and constructive" engagement on women's human rights was "at the core of the education programme" at the centre.

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