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Shi Shen crater on the Moon is named after him.


Lake Toba, which fills the crater of a giant volcano that erupted tens of thousands of years ago, is a popular and picturesque destination for tourists.

月球两极附近分布水冰 或为人类访客提供水源

Soon after the Indian feat, Nasa crashed a spacecraft into the 100km-wide Cabeus crater which is in permanent shade on the moon's south pole.


" Intrepid travellers can join three-hour hikes to the bank of the crater to experience the lake in person.


By examining the comparatively young rocks uncovered by an impact crater, Yutu found basalts with intermediate levels of titanium and high iron levels.


Set your alarm clock and get up early to watch the sunrise from Haleakala Crater.


Water trickles down gullies and crater walls on the surface of Mars, raising intriguing questions about whether life could exist on the red planet.


flying volcanic bomb rising volcanic ashes forest fire caused by lava Lava flowed out of the crater.


The crater where the village stood has been filled wish asphalt ever since.


(The LCROSS spacecraft, which slammed into a perpetually shaded lunar crater last fall, turned up evidence of water ice on the surface, but that ice was presumably deposited by an ancient comet impact.

安徒生童话英文版:The Dryad

She felt so happy in beautiful France, the fruitful land of genius, with the crater of freedom.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Fourth Evening

But under the chandelier was a vacant space like a little crater: not a single soul sat there, for the tallow was dropping, drip, drip!

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