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想进哈佛大学? 让你的父母去捐钱捐楼就行

This is thanks to a lawsuit currently under way against Harvard that accuses the university of discriminating against Asian-Americans.


The test results showed that the children who had taken piano lessons performed significantly better at discriminating between words that differ by a single consonant, when compared against the children who took extra reading lessons.


Concerns have also been raised regarding the potential harm that could come from discriminating against children of the same age because of their different heights.


They found they were 10 per cent faster at distinguishing between light (goluboy) blues and dark (siniy) blues than at discriminating between blues within the same shade category.


When Harvard Business School researchers Benjamin Edelman, Michael Luca and Dan Svirsky conducted field experiments on Airbnb, they found that both hosts and guests were discriminating against racial minorities.


If investment under a discriminating eye is the technical lesson of Britain's Olympic story, there is a moral too.


Discriminating against little white pillows of heaven is a sorry crime.


"You're discriminating against me!


Some restaurants, such as the chain Hooters, have faced lawsuits for discriminating against overweight employees.


Investors need to become more discriminating when investing in start-up technology start-ups, following recent "over-enthusiasm" in Silicon Valley, according to Bill Gates.


Educational specialists point out that this is a mixed blessing() because if the young learners are not educated to be discriminating (), they may gain knowledge and genuine understanding, but at the same time they may be exposed to ignorance and foolishness as well.


While some Hong Kong residents have labelled mainland tourists as having "uncivilised behaviour", mainlanders have in turn accused Hongkongers of being "discriminating" and "patronising".

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