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Recession difficulties Some economists say the United States is coming out of the pandemic recession so quickly that many businesses are having trouble finding qualified workers.


Some economists are hopeful that the job losses have now stopped, and a rebound has begun.


It doesn't have to be a traditional religion to be effective, according to Lord Richard Layard, one of Britain's most prominent economists and the author of several books on happiness.

双语:你爱她的美貌 还是学识

Evidence on speed-dating gathered by the economists Michèle Belot and Marco Francesconi shows that women are attracted by rich men, while men focus more on a woman's physical appearance.


We know, thanks to the research of the behavioural economists Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler, that many investors do exactly what Markowitz did.


Yet economists often study something rather like the highwayman's offer in an attempt to uncover the answer to an important question: how much is your life actually worth?


The monthly bond issuance plan would only cover part of the deficit, which economists estimate will reach 400bn Saudi riyals this year amid falling revenues and continuing high expenditure on infrastructure projects, public sector wages and the war in Yemen.


Because investors, economists and commentators are coming to the conclusion that it has outlived its usefulness and has actually become counter-productive.


Luxury goods are a social signal, as psychologists and economists will attest.


Forget the struggles of completing an Oxbridge degree -- a group of economists have calculated that appearing as a contestant on British reality TV show Love Island for eight weeks is likely to net you more money over the course of your life than three years at Oxford or Cambridge university.


Forget the struggles of completing an Oxbridge degree -- a group of economists have calculated that appearing as a contestant on British reality TV show Love Island for eight weeks is likely to net you more money over the course of your life than three years at Oxford or Cambridge university.


The global supply chain exaggerates China's exports to the United States by as much as 40-60%, according to different economists.


Those whose lives are most difficult could benefit most from marriage, according to the economists who wrote the new paper, John Helliwell of the Vancouver School of Economics and Shawn Grover of the Canadian Department of Finance.

都是领域带头大哥 为啥詹姆斯赚钱不如C罗?

Over the years, as James has occasionally referenced being underpaid -- "At the end of the day, I don't think my value on the floor can really be compensated for because of the [rules]," he said in 2013 -- there have been varying attempts by economists and journalists to try to quantify his true worth.


The analysis was written by Li Yang, the chairman of the National Institution of Finance and Development, a Beijing-based research group, and by three other economists.


Even as economists warn of a demographic emergency caused by the "one child" policy, which was ended in 2015, unwed mothers — even those of legal age — are stigmatized and face legal bias.


The annual number of births in China has fallen for the first time since Beijing relaxed its one-child policy, suggesting that the reform has failed to reverse declining fertility rates that economists warn are a long-term threat to the country's development.


This baffles economists, who assume "free disposal", meaning that things that aren't needed can be thrown away without making anyone feel bad about the loss.


The report, from the McKinsey Global Institute, echoes a growing view among economists that the robot future is not entirely bleak for humans, though it may take efforts on a par with the post-second world war Marshall Plan and GI Bill to adapt.


When energy economists gaze into their crystal balls to see what the world will look like in 20 years' time, some things are clearer than others.

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