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Nay, the colors deepened, the lips and chin seemed to get larger, the hair and eyes seemed to be sending out light, the face was masculine and beamed on her with that full gaze which tells her on whom it falls that she is too interesting for the slightest movement of her eyelid to pass unnoticed and uninterpreted.


Certainly, small feet and perfectly turned shoulders aid the impression of refined manners, and the right thing said seems quite astonishingly right when it is accompanied with exquisite curves of lip and eyelid.


Sometimes, both eyelids may be involved but the fascicular contractions of each eyelid is independent of each other.


One might argue that the thinnest eyelid skin is more susceptible to the damage of the sun's ultraviolet rays, but ironically, most eye creams don't contain sunscreen.


Eyelid surgeries, intended to lift sagging eyelids: 209,020 procedures.


Slathering on the eyeliner The liner glides on easily and evenly as you near, or even cover, the eyelid margin.


Fat reduction is another popular surgery, along with stretch marks removal, wrinkle smoothing, double eyelid removal and even botox injections.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(136)

His left eyelid drooped over an empty socket.


Or perhaps a youthful star performer has risen through the ranks quickly and is being promoted faster than you can bat an eyelid.


"It's like a bronze eyelid for the glass," says co-founder Joanna Bibby.


At the Ophthalmologist's Let me pull up your eyelid to have a look.


Whether it's a popstar or a friend - you're unlikely to bat an eyelid if they snap and post a picture of themselves online.

整容夸张 中国女性韩国归来难入境

The extensive surgeries, which can include reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western', are transforming some Chinese women's entire faces, rendering them almost unrecognizable.

日本流行双眼皮贴 35元比整容更好

Eyelid surgery has become an increasingly popular way for Asian women to attain 'double eyelids' but a new invention promises a cheaper and less painful alternative to undergoing blepharoplasty in the operating theatre.


He didn't bat an eyelid.

安徒生童话英文版-15 The Brave Tin Soldier

He was too close to it to stop, so the boat rushed on, and the poor tin soldier could only hold himself as stiffly as possible, without moving an eyelid, to show that he was not afraid.

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