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He had begun to have an alarmed foresight of her irrevocable loss of love for him, and the consequent dreariness of their life.


Which would turn out to have the more foresight in it—her rationality or Caleb's ardent generosity?


That very evening, indeed, before the fair had set in, Fred thought he saw a favorable opening for disposing advantageously of his horse, but an opening which made him congratulate himself on his foresight in bringing with him his eighty pounds.


Casaubon had not been without foresight on this head, the curate being able to answer all Dorothea's questions about the villagers and the other parishioners.


He told her of horses which he had bought for a trifle and sold for incredible sums; of racing matches, in which his judgment had infallibly foretold the winner; of shooting parties, in which he had killed more birds (though without having one good shot) than all his companions together; and described to her some famous day's sport, with the fox-hounds, in which his foresight and skill in directing the dogs had repaired the mistakes of the most experienced huntsman, and in which the boldness of


About 95 per cent of electric cars sold in China last year were made by Chinese companies, according to Automotive Foresight Shanghai, a consultancy.


Most in the automobile industry think self-driving vehicles will be on the road by 2020 or before, says Richard Holman, head of foresight and trends at General Motors.


You should have seen how wisely I proceeded -- with what caution -- with what foresight, with what dissimulation, I went to work!


With a little foresight, you can squash those lunch cravings the morning (or night) before with a nutritious, homemade meal.


Thanks to the foresight of Dorr and others like him, Acadia became the first national park established east of the Mississippi.


Once a stress response is under way, there's no stopping it biologically, which makes it even more critical to develop foresight into dealing with stressful situations in a constructive manner.


Ignore Consensus – when your own data and foresight is contrary to the wisdom of the crowd.


Once a stress response is under way, there's no stopping it biologically, which makes it even more critical to develop foresight into dealing with stressful situations in a constructive manner.


" Clearly Edwin Dingle had remarkable foresight.


Yale Zhang, the managing director of Automotive Foresight, a consulting firm in Shanghai, said that the S60 Inscription was fairly big for a midsize sedan and thus was a better choice for exports to the United States than to Europe.


So today, I want to issue a belated thank you to Bi Sheng for having the foresight to set in motion a process that would eventually lead to a 20 billion business for HP.

英语名人名言: History 历史

Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong-these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.

格林童话英文版:The Six Servants

Foresight is a good thing - keep watch, and take care that the maiden does not go out of my room again.

安徒生童话英文版:The Cripple

"Rich people don't have much foresight!


More importantly, we shall learn from their foresight and pioneering spirit, because we have to bring China-US relations forward.

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