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As the years went on he opposed her less and less, whence Rosamond concluded that he had learned the value of her opinion; on the other hand, she had a more thorough conviction of his talents now that he gained a good income, and instead of the threatened cage in Bride Street provided one all flowers and gilding, fit for the bird of paradise that she resembled.


There were painted white chairs, with gilding and wreaths on them, and some lingering red silk damask with slits in it.


; flattering himself, however, that there were some apartments in the Abbey not unworthy her notice—and was proceeding to mention the costly gilding of one in particular, when, taking out his watch, he stopped short to pronounce it with surprise within twenty minutes of five!


He rested again until the sun was well up and gilding the great river with its splendor, and then he plunged into the stream.


Then they were taken to the poop, where Rhince was on duty with another man at the great tiller, and behind that the dragon's tail rose up, covered with gilding, and round inside it ran a little bench.

十四行诗 Sonnet 33

Full many a glorious morning have I seen Flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye, Kissing with golden face the meadows green, Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy; Anon permit the basest clouds to ride With ugly rack on his celestial face, And from the forlorn world his visage hide, Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace: Even so my sun one early morn did shine With all triumphant splendor on my brow; But out, alack!

十四行诗 Sonnet 20

A woman's face with Nature's own hand painted Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion; A woman's gentle heart, but not acquainted With shifting change, as is false women's fashion; An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling, Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth; A man in hue, all 'hues' in his controlling, Much steals men's eyes and women's souls amazeth.

安徒生童话英文版:Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind

The casket may be injured, the gilding may fall off, and then the purchaser regrets his bargain.

安徒生童话英文版:The Old House

"Gilding will fade in damp weather, To endure, there is nothing like leather," said the walls.

安徒生童话英文版:The Top and Ball

"Now I am in a nice place," said he; "my gilding will soon be washed off here.

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