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The domestic storm-cone was hoisted, and I shipped myself on board a small trading vessel bound from Constantinople, by classic seas whose every wave throbs with a deathless memory, to the Grecian Islands and the Levant.


Finally a spade struck upon the coffin with a dull woody accent, and within another minute or two the men had hoisted it out on the ground.

It's worth it!

Miraculously he managed to reach his friend, hoisted him onto his shoulder, and brought him back to their company's trench.

My Left Foot 我的左脚

Then my father stooped down and hoisted me on his shoulder.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第44期:第三章丹尼莉丝 (10)

Two servants went ahead to light their way, carrying ornate oil lanterns with panes of pale blue glass, ,,, while a dozen strong men hoisted the poles to their shoulders.


However, he is too fun of play to skip school; being treated because of greedy and is hoisted by one's own petard.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 18

I believe the readiness of our return volley had scattered the mutineers once more, for we were suffered without further molestation to get the poor old gamekeeper hoisted over the stockade and carried, groaning and bleeding, into the log-house.


The codfish were so plentiful there that when the sailors had lowered baskets into the water and hoisted them up, they were full of squirming, silvery fish.


They were attached to a kind of brown knob-head, which followed the feelers, and then two large legs took a strong grip on the edge of the cavity and hoisted some of the rest of whatever it was out of the seed, and stopped there a moment, as if to look around.

He Never Missed a Game

His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders.

一千零一夜:Fifth Voyage

This we did, and the sails were hoisted, but before we had made any way the rocs reached their despoiled nest and hovered about it, uttering frightful cries when they discovered the mangled remains of their young one.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

A signal of distress was hoisted, but they were still fully a mile from the shore.

安徒生童话英文版:Ib and Little Christina

Then they returned again up the stream; and as the wind was favorable, two sails were hoisted, which carried the boat on as well as if two horses had been harnessed to it.

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