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Instead of just saying 'developed and implemented innovative process improvements,' say 'increased operational efficiency and annual revenues by 13% by developing and implementing innovative process improvements.


A restaurant implementing the surcharge is free to use the new funds however it likes, though it must also make it clear that the surcharge is not a substitute for a tip or gratuity for waitstaff.


"Every country should be implementing a comprehensive set of measures to slow down transmission and save lives with the aim of reaching a steady state of low level or no transmission," Tedros said.


"The BRI implies creating a new model of international cooperation by strengthening the existing mechanisms, as well as seeking and implementing new mechanisms, with the aim of stimulating the economic development of countries involved," Rahmon said.


Ian Smith, a PhD student of Boston University in the United States, said: 'Cities are at the forefront of implementing climate mitigation policies including urban greening, to combat rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations.


"Implementing best practice statistical and methodological techniques we found little evidence for substantial negative associations between digital-screen engagement and adolescent well-being," said Amy Orben, a Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) and College Lecturer at the Queen's College, University of Oxford.


Different countries in Europe are already experimenting and implementing shorter workweeks in varying degrees.

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Paying Taxes was made easier by abolishing the business tax, allowing for joint filing and payment of all stamp duties and by implementing several administrative reforms to lower the compliance time.


Malaysia's central bank has been implementing policies promoting electronic payments in a bid to boost a network that lags behind other south-east Asian markets.


From what I shared, it sounds like implementing habits will generate the biggest change.


The first thing you'll need to decide is if you'll be implementing any team concepts like offenses, defenses, or set plays.


The W3C has moved WebAuthn to what's called the "candidate recommendation" stage – the penultimate step before it becomes an approved web standard – inviting sites and services to begin implementing it.


The W3C has moved WebAuthn to what's called the "candidate recommendation" stage – the penultimate step before it becomes an approved web standard – inviting sites and services to begin implementing it.

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As Wozniak churned out the design, Jobs sat on a bench to his left implementing it by wire-wrapping the chips onto a breadboard.


Well, the more you start incorporating slight changes on a daily basis, the easier it will be to follow through with implementing them the night before a big job interview or presentation at the office.

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The move is vital for implementing the authority's requirement of strengthening environmental protection and improving environmental quality, the ministry said.


On the other hand, teams from similar backgrounds or of the same gender perform better at tasks that involve implementing existing solutions.

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EU member states should also consider implementing a universal income to blunt the impact of the job losses.


EU member states should also consider implementing a universal income to blunt the impact of the job losses.


"It still takes time to hammer out many details of implementing the rules, and we are in close consultation with Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, and are optimistic about the process," Didi said.

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