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Raffles had been a guest worthy of finest incense, Dorothea had again taken up her abode at Lowick Manor.


Through the pine woods, where the air was sweet with the incense of the unseen, fragile bells of the linnæas that carpeted the banks of the trail.

旅游英语:颐和园 The Summer Palace

The Pavilion of the Buddhist Incense is 41 meters high and stands on a 20-meter-high terrace.


During the past Festival to conduct large-scale ritual activities, a monk had to light incense and light lamps, everything Chung Buddha, pray for the grace of God, disaster Consumers difficult.


Where the snow is like a cold wind plum, frozen ice core incense, but also lonely and also gorgeous.


Light some candles or incense, take a nice hot bubble bath, perform some gentle yoga poses, or play soothing music.


In China, most such apparitions are the spirits of dead ancestors who must be constantly appeased with votive offerings of food, incense and paper money.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第27期:第二章 凯特琳 (2)

Worship was a septon with a censer, the smell of incense, a seven-sided crystal alive with light, voices raised in song.

乔布斯传 第32期:非里德学院不读(3)

They created a meditation room in the attic crawl space above Elizabeth Holmes's room and fixed it up with Indian prints, a dhurrie rug, candles, incense, and meditation cushions.


People also burn incense and candles for the stones and offer pancake to the God of Stone.


Other popular dishes that also made the list include steak, roast duck, sushi, pickled fish, Chaoshan beef hot pot, rice noodles, ramen, Spicy Incense Pot and fried chicken.


Don't forget the rich fantasy life that the Crab in your life possesses -- put a little imagination into your efforts, whether that means more candles, incense and velvet table cloths, or perhaps a theme evening -- French food, movie and music.


People also burn incense and candles for the stones and offer pancake to the God of Stone.


Sandalwood incense is burned in octagonal palace lanterns.


Houses are festooned with paper scrolls bearing auspicious antithetical couplet and in many homes, people burn incense at home and in the temples to pay respects to ancestors and ask the gods for good health in the coming months.


Good exchanges such as Chinese silk, African ivory, and Roman incense increase the contacts between the East and West.


Burn incense and may not necessarily be a monk, but also may be the panda .


To be prudent, this man of Song took a bath, burned incense, cleansed his mind, calmed his mood, and went in for self- cultivation for seven days.


The temple was stately and solemn, with incense smoke curling all around.


You will hear about special meditation cushions, candles, incense, statues, bells, and so forth -- don't worry about any of that stuff.

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