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Which is better than being blurry eyed, inefficient, and, ultimately, unhappy at your job.


"The main issue today is with intensive, factory farming facilities, which are very inefficient and very polluting and have lost the relationship to the animal.


This is obviously an inefficient and laborious approach.


5bn last year — up 700 per cent on 2012 — as rising incomes boost meat consumption while relatively inefficient domestic producers struggle to keep up with demand.


Meanwhile the two other regions with particularly large structural changes were the Soviet sphere, which in 1985 had an overgrown and inefficient manufacturing sector that collapsed under its own weight once the economy was liberalised, and China, whose liberalisation and trade integration surely contributed to its industrial revolution.


"The massive size of China's banking system is less a cause for celebration than a sign of an economy overly dependent on bank-financed investment, beset by inefficient resource allocation, and subject to enormous credit risks," said Eswar Prasad, economist at Cornell University and former China head of the International Monetary Fund.


The current drug distribution system is "very inefficient and very costly, and the cost in the end is borne by the patient", said Franck Le Deu of McKinsey's healthcare practice.


"All over the world, people are realizing that cars that run on fossil fuels are inefficient and a major threat to the planet," said DiCaprio said in a statement.


China is known for its inefficient use of water and fertilizers, which is a problem that could be addressed by new technologies.


Economists believe modernising India's existing antiquated, inefficient tax system will significantly stimulate the economy, potentially adding 1.


It's cheaper to buy a $35,000 robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who's inefficient making $15 an hour bagging french fries,' Rensi told Fox Business.


Sticking with what we knew may have helped us survive the teenage years, but it makes for very inefficient profession ,?


Sticking with what we knew may have helped us survive the teenage years, but it makes for very inefficient profession ,?


Sticking with what we knew may have helped us survive the teenage years, but it makes for very inefficient profession ,?


"From an urban planning perspective, Beijing could be the most inefficient city in China," said Liang Hong, chief economist of China International Capital Corporation.


"In China there are often very poor or inefficient offline services, so the online alternatives have had a disproportionate impact on commerce," he says.


Which is better than being blurry eyed, inefficient, and, ultimately, unhappy at your job.


Besides, research shows multitasking is inefficient, so you're probably not getting much done by pushing through anyway.


As a newbie, your first couple of weeks on the job are the perfect time to mention that something brand new — and inefficient — doesn't quite make sense to you.

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Watching/Surfing the News is Inefficient 9.

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