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So while increasing the social investment and inputs for the elderly, improving elder care andretirement services and enhancing legal and social protections, the government must alsobuild a high quality work force and introduce advanced and innovative technologies toimprove productivity.

时尚双语:穿上新型人字拖 胖腿烦恼去无踪

The innovative flip flops, dubbed 'FitFlops', are designed to help tone and trim your legs by engaging muscles for a longer period of time with each step.


Instead of just saying 'developed and implemented innovative process improvements,' say 'increased operational efficiency and annual revenues by 13% by developing and implementing innovative process improvements.


Both involve coming up with something new and innovative that the public simply can't live without.


Large corporations could not have grown to their present size without being able to find innovative ways to raise capital to finance expansion.


Her choice of images and words, whether they are formal or informal, is unique and innovative.


The bot also designed an innovative blended cocktail involving Splenda, Kentucky Bourbon, and a block of chocolate, which might be served to accompany these meals.


But since the release, Brits have been mocking Burger King's 'innovative' idea and were quick to point out that there is nothing new nor exciting about the new snack.


He will also be at the center of efforts aimed at producing innovative creative content in combination with AI (artificial intelligence) technology.


They asked the CEOs of Bertelsmann China companies about careers and innovative ideas at a French restaurant in Beijing.


Some are used again in innovative ways – even tennis balls are made out of recycled clothing.


China Telecom has launched a 5G innovative demonstration network with ZTE and built a scale 5G test network in the Xiongan New Area.


The others are enhancing the quality of products and the level of service and management, innovative marketing, and paying more attention to the benefits of rural residents to help poverty alleviation via rural tourism.


Commenting on the cult styling tool on her blog, Huda wrote: 'While we understand that it's the most innovative tool the hair styling industry has seen in decades, there's no denying that it's a lot of money.


William wasn't afraid to say that social media has its positive traits: Reconnecting with people, being able to discover new and innovative forms of media like music and film.


A joint statement released by the two agencies said they would be working together to "foster these innovative food products and maintain the highest standards of public health.


" 'We pay close attention to current trends and make constant updates to the services at our hotels, ensuring we are able to offer our guests a range of modern, innovative ideas to make their everyday lives easier.


China's top leadership has called for enhanced efforts to facilitate fundamental science and cutting-edge technologies to boost the country's innovative competitiveness.

为治疗帕金森 日本研究人员将干细胞移植到大脑中

Japanese researchers said they have transplanted stem cells into the brain of a patient in the first stage of an innovative trial to cure Parkinson's disease.


The University of Birmingham – Jinan University Joint Institute, which opened in September 2017, already accepts Gaokao for entry to its innovative dual degree mathematics courses.

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