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The pendulum swings backwards and forwards.

美文:Fifty-percent Expectation

I believe life is a pendulum swing.

The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理论半对半

I believe life is a pendulum swing.


Bonanno compares grief to a swinging pendulum.


That's why we use atomic - or microwave - clocks, which measure the vibration of a caesium atom to keep time, just like the tiny swinging of a pendulum.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(209)

High above, my kite was tilting side to side like a pendulum, making that old paper-bird-flapping-its-wings sound I always associated with winter mornings in Kabul.


In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the pendulum probably swung too far in the direction of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(158)

His little hands swiveled at the wrists, his fingers snapped, and his head swung side to side like a pendulum.


The speed of the clock can be adjusted by adding and removing weights to the pendulum.


I believe life is a pendulum swing.


Prebble recently recalled, he knew nothing about classical mechanics when he found a sketch of the pendulum sequence in a book, but he enjoyed building models.

麦当劳危机 需要洗心革面

" So they swung to the opposite end of the pendulum, offering so many varieties that customers were confused by more than 130 items while service speeds—a key ingredient for fast food—slowed dramatically.


I believe life is a pendulum swing.


He responded to these gestures of love by swinging his busy tail like a pendulum.


" Al-Ludra oscillated, but not regularly: not like a pendulum; rather, like someone who is at a loss between two choices.

安徒生童话英文版:The Comet

The grandfather's clock,which had be-longed to his parents,stood in the corner;the heavy leadenweights neither rose nor fell,the pendulum did not move.

安徒生童话英文版:The Old House

And the pendulum of the old clock went to and fro, and the hands turned round; and as time passed on, everything in the room grew older, but no one seemed to notice it.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw:Twenty-Third Evening

At the top sat a cuckoo, below hung the heavy leaden weights, and the pendulum with the polished disc of metal went to and fro, and said 'tick, tick.

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