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Off to the left a sudden curve in the track hid it from view, but over the tree-tops beyond, the long plume of smoke betokened the approach of a through train.


The diesel behemoths that once signalled their arrival with a piercing hiss, a rattle of engine and a plume of fumes are no more, replaced with the world's first and largest 100% electric bus fleet.

月球两极附近分布水冰 或为人类访客提供水源

The intentional act of lunar violence threw up a plume of debris from which scientists were able to confirm the presence of water on the moon.

肯尼亚西南部突现大裂缝 将使非洲大陆分裂

Underneath the crust, a "magma plume" forms forcing the crust up and eventually splitting it.


Researchers made the announcement based on data from 2015, when the spacecraft Cassini detected the presence of hydrogen during a flyby through a plume of gas and ice erupting from Enceladus' south pole.


" To develop the idea Mr Duquesnoy worked with Plume Labs, a technology company that helps consumers track and reduce their exposure to air pollution.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(134)

A haze of dust hovered over the city and, across the river, a single plume of smoke rose to the sky.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(131)

I see the face behind the plume of smoke swirling from the muzzle.


I fancy General Zhou at the height Of his success, with a plume fan in hand, In a silk hood, so brave and bright, Laughing and jesting with his bride so fair, While enemy ships were destroyed as planned Like castles in the air.

格林童话英文版:The Willow-Wren and the Bear

" No one knew that, so the fox said, "I have a fine long bushy tail, which almost looks like a plume of red feathers.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-IX

It rose, as a plume of feathers, from a steam engine, to which, on the lately-opened railway, a string of carriages was linked, carriage to carriage, looking like a winding serpent.

安徒生童话英文版:Little Tuk

Gallop, gallop, away he went, seated in front of a richly-attired knight, with a waving plume, who held him on the saddle, and so they rode through the wood by the old town of Wordingburg, which was very large and busy.

安徒生童话-13 The Goloshes of Fortune-The Watchman’s Adventures

How oft, in youth's bright hour, When youthful pleasures banish every care, I longed for riches but to gain a power, The sword and plume and uniform to wear!

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