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The one joy after which his soul thirsted was to have a money-changer's shop on a much-frequented quay, to have locks all round him of which he held the keys, and to look sublimely cool as he handled the breeding coins of all nations, while helpless Cupidity looked at him enviously from the other side of an iron lattice.


Once they each of them earned a franc by loading trucks with innumerable boxes of oranges that had been dumped down on the quay.


The schooners moored to the quay are trim and neat, the little town along the bay is white and urbane, and the flamboyants, scarlet against the blue sky, flaunt their colour like a cry of passion.


Of deep-sea fishings he heard tell, and mighty silver gatherings of the mile-long net; of sudden perils, noise of breakers on a moonless night, or the tall bows of the great liner taking shape overhead through the fog; of the merry home-coming, the headland rounded, the harbour lights opened out; the groups seen dimly on the quay, the cheery hail, the splash of the hawser; the trudge up the steep little street towards the comforting glow of red-curtained windows.

迷人四月天:Chapter 6

" And presently, down the steps and cobbles to the piazza, and along the quay, and up the zigzag path, Lady Caroline found herself as much obliged to walk slowly with Mrs.

迷人四月天:Chapter 5

" They went along what seemed to be a quay, right on the edge of the water.


The four accountants who'd come down from Nelson by helicopter to have fish and chips on the quay had flown back home.


A total of two hundred and sixty-five women dashed their way around the 80m track at Sydney's Circular Quay wearing three-inch heels.


The Museum is located over five floors of a splendid late Georgian warehouse on West India Quay - literally in the shadow of the Canary Wharf district - and offers twelve major galleries, a children's gallery, education services, functions suites, a restaurant and a shop.

The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura

He then locked the door, gave up the key to the owner of the garden, and hurried to the quay only to hear that the ship had sailed long ago, after waiting three hours for him.

一千零一夜:First Voyage

One day after my return, as I went down to the quay, I saw a ship which had just cast anchor, and was discharging her cargo, while the merchants to whom it belonged were busily directing the removal of it to their warehouses.

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