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The quiet world outside their rays receded far away and ceased to be.


The frost slowly receded on my car windows and the grass turned wet as the temperatures crept above freezing.

离别 Parting Sorrows

The banks with their yellowish soil and green grass receded into two greenish strips until they became some mere islets on the horizon.


What has not receded is Li's power as a symbol of success in China.

乔布斯传 第114期:设计--大道至简

His fondness for the dark, industrial look of Sony receded around June 1981, 19816,, when he began attending the annual International Design Conference in Aspen.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第19期:第一章 布兰(4)

After a while, the sound of Robb's laughter receded, and the woods grew silent again.

乔布斯传 第31期:非里德学院不读(2)

Political activism at colleges receded and in many late-night dorm conversations was replaced by an interest in pathways to personal fulfillment.

新疆取缔冰川旅游 游客只能远观

" It quoted Chen Xi of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as saying that glaciers in the Tianshan range have receded 15 to 30 percent in the last three decades.


The euro dropped sharply as the dollar was powering forward, but now the trend has reversed as the eurozone has performed better than expected and deflation concerns have receded.

阿里巴巴换帅 张勇接替陆兆禧任CEO

Shares have steadily receded from a November peak of $119.


In the big picture, lawlessness has receded monumentally since we moved here in 2008.


The "Hunger Games" books and movies have always invited different readings, including as an allegory for the agonies of adolescence, but on screen, those interpretations have receded as the series has unfolded, and the story's focus has sharpened.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(81)

And his eyes receded in their sockets.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-IV

These meadows were encircled by lofty hills, which receded a little in the centre, so that the most beautifully formed of Swiss mountains—the snow-crowned Jungfrau— could be distinctly seen glittering in the distance.

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