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Today she had stood at the door of the tomb and seen Will Ladislaw receding into the distant world of warm activity and fellowship—turning his face towards her as he went.


Casaubon slowly receding with his hands behind him according to his habit, and his head bent forward.


A receding hareline.


In the pause which succeeded, a sound like receding footsteps and the closing of a distant door struck on her affrighted ear.


With this parting cordial she curtsies off—you listen to the sound of her receding footsteps as long as the last echo can reach you—and when, with fainting spirits, you attempt to fasten your door, you discover, with increased alarm, that it has no lock.


Our last glimpse of her shows her at the window, watching them receding into the sky until they were as small as stars.


f you're worried about your receding hairline and you live in a city, you might want to consider moving, as scientists have found exposure to high levels of air pollution may be linked to hair loss.

The Best love

His hairline is receding and his body shows the signs of long working hours and too many candy bars.


My son, whose hair may be receding a bit, says: Did you really just say that to me?


I see the beautiful colors of the rainbow in the sky and the now calm ocean receding so it can have its rest too.


Cumberbatch, who's been vocal in his opposition to Brexit, has transformed himself into Cummings, the leading strategist and campaign director of Vote Leave, with the help of a receding hairline.


Also noticeable to him is the receding of the Arctic ice caps over time - and, though less obvious, the Antarctic, too.


Eating yogurt and other foods laden with lactic acid may keep your gums from receding and teeth from falling out, Japanese researchers report.


Many buyers will have their eyes on the lots' lucrative produce, of course, but many families are buying them in order to build Scandinavian log cabins, enjoy the wildlife, fish in nearby rivers and simply enjoy receding into nature.


Ostensibly about a former good-for-nothing, it is imbued with a quiet heroism and evokes a way of life that is fast receding - echoing the somewhat cruel generational shift that is happening in today's film industry.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(123)

My hair was receding and streaked with gray, and lately I'd traced little crow's-feet etched around the corners of my eyes.


In an expanding universe, the farther away or back in time an object is, the faster it is receding, which causes the wavelength of light from it to lengthen, the way the pitch of a siren sounds lower after it passes.


His hairline is receding and his body shows the signs of long working hours and too many candy bars.


My son, whose hair may be receding a bit, says: Did you really just say that to me?

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(6)

Mansion after mansion, made of air, rose, higher, broader, finer, and each in its turn vanished away; until now in these latter great days, our dreamers were in fancy housed, in a distant region, in a sumptuous vast palace which looked out from a leafy summit upon a noble prospect of vale and river and receding hills steeped in tinted mists-- and all private, all the property of the dreamers; a palace swarming with liveried servants, and populous with guests of fame and power, hailing from all t

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