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You felt that it was ready to be wafted away on the immaterial air, and death bore all the aspect of a beloved friend.


That was what they meant, those caressing appeals, those soft touches wafted through the air, those invisible little hands pulling and tugging, all one way!


The breeze had not seemed to waft the sighs of the murdered to her; it had wafted nothing worse than a thick mizzling rain; and having given a good shake to her habit, she was ready to be shown into the common drawing-room, and capable of considering where she was.

迷人四月天:Chapter 14

He would come in quite naturally after a day or two, irresistibly wafted on the scented breezes of that divine air; and there he would sit arrayed in stars, thought Mrs.


A circle of ripples wafted over.


— It was not so long ago that the aroma of Moroccan spiced prawns and wood-oven pizzas wafted out to a downtown street here from the open-air patio of a once popular eatery called Zibibbo.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(132)

Crickets chirped in the shuttered darkness and a wind wafted through the trees.


A circle of ripples wafted over.


I promised that the scent of the roses would be wafted far, far away.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(42)

A cold breeze wafted through my hair.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

Then he saw just in front of him the great doorway of a cathedral; the lights were gleaming in the dark aisles, and the fragrance of incense was wafted towards him.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of the Year

Sweet and pleasant was the fragrance wafted from the clover-field, where the bees swarmed round the ruined tower, the bramble twined itself over the old altar, which, washed by the rain, glittered in the sunshine; and thither flew the queen bee with her swarm, and prepared wax and honey.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of a Mother

Then the lake lifted her up, and wafted her across to the opposite shore as if she were on a swing, where stood a wonderful building many miles in length.

安徒生童话英文版:The Snow Queen-Third Story

No rose on its stem is fresher than she; no apple-blossom, wafted by the wind, floats more lightly than she moves.

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