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" "Letty, I am ashamed of you," said her mother, wringing out the caps from the tub.


" wailed Brighteyes, wringing her paws.


Aunt Polly fell to crying and wringing her hands.

Saving David 拯救大卫

His face was pale, and he stared at his feet while wringing his hands nervously.


" 'Imagine wringing out a wet towel and that's pretty much what you do to your muscles and joints while you are asleep on your stomach.


Before dinner next day, when the others were sitting round the table , waiting (being at sea gives one a magnificentappetite), Eustace came rushing in, wringing his hand and shouting out: .


The villagers, suffering a meager harvest and the many years of war, quickly hid what little they had to eat and met the three at the village square, wringing their hands and bemoaning the lack of anything to eat.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(77)

A man to be reckoned with, someone who took action instead of wringing his hands.

熊皮人 Bearskin

He had a compassionate heart, so he opened the door, and saw an old man weeping bitterly, and wringing his hands.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 01

I have seen him wringing his hands after such a rebuff, and I am sure the annoyance and the terror he lived in must have greatly hastened his early and unhappy death.


And "it appears that the happiest people are those who are most skilled at wringing experiences out of everything in which they invest their money, whether it's a guitar, a plane ticket, a camera, cake decorating lessons, or running shoes.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

Wringing his hands and rending his beard, he exclaimed: "Wretched son!

格林童话英文版:The Nix of the Mill-Pond

Lamenting her sorrow, and wringing her hands, she called on her beloved by name, but in vain.


He had a compassionate heart, so he opened the door, and saw an old man weeping bitterly, and wringing his hands.

安徒生童话英文版-11 The Little Mermaid

Then her sisters came up on the waves, and gazed at her mournfully, wringing their white hands.

安徒生童话英文版-2 Little Claus and Big Claus(1835)

" "Oh, how unfortunate," said the landlord, wringing his hands.

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