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The Sunday-school children distributed themselves about the house and occupied pews with their parents, so as to be under supervision.


The ministry said they will improve its supervision of illegal behaviors encroaching on young people's rights, such as unqualified employment agencies, as well as gender and age discrimination.


Each local senior high school selects its own pupils under supervision of boards of education and in accordance with individual board's regulations.

工作996生病ICU 互联网公司加班成行规惹争议

Activists are calling for more supervision over labor exploitation in an online crusade spearheaded by software developers against the so-called 996 work schedule, which is widely practiced in China's tech industry.

How to Be Independent 如何变独立

The most important thing is to finish my homework without my parents' supervision.

调查显示 近半数职工没享受过带薪年假

According to Liu Simin, a researcher at Beijing Foreign Studies University, the poor supervision and light penalties are most responsible for this flouting of rules.


To deal with school bullying, the State Council's Education Supervision Committee started an anti-bullying campaign in April.

北京公示积分落户名单 共6019人

The first round of 6,019 applicants who meet the qualifications for Beijing's household registration system, called hukou in Chinese, was published on Monday for public supervision, according to municipal authorities.

瞠目结舌! 50种驱蚊产品竟无一有效

Fifty mosquito repellent products, including mosquito repellent patches and wristbands, prove to be of little help, said Beijing quality supervision authorities after conducting sample tests recently.


With technologies, including remote sensing, authorities in the Beijing headquarters can discover environmental problems in faraway regions quickly and direct immediate actions, according to Zhao Qunying, an official in charge of environmental supervision at the ministry.


The rooks were deployed for the first time over the weekend, and they'll be working four days a week under close supervision - not for the birds, but to make sure the humans don't deliberately drop rubbish to watch the birds clean it up.


The hair cut Bieber got under Baldwin's supervision did not include a major chop.


Still, the company said in its regulatory filings that in January, the Chinese authorities required it to strengthen supervision and respond more effectively to claims of copyright infringement.

调查显示 我国约20%的青少年有网络游戏成瘾现象

Accessibility of digital products and parental supervision are two main factors driving the increase.

名人励志英语演讲 第21期:我们唯一害怕的是害怕本身(6)

It can be helped by national planning for, and supervision of all forms of transportation, , and of communications, and other utilities that have a definitely public character.


The Pisces parents enjoy the companionship of the children, and ate one with them in many ways,but the hard work of supervision is something that they try to avoid simply by letting the child have his or her own way.


" The company behind the other app, Huoshan, wrote: "Thanks to CCTV's supervision, Huoshan feels a deep sense of responsibility.


Katarina Barley, the German justice minister, warned yesterday that Facebook and other internet companies needed closer supervision.


Russia's Education Supervision Bureau was aiming to include Mandarin in the final exam for ninth-graders by 2018, and for 11th-graders in their college entrance exam by 2020.


"The standards are expected to guide manufacturers to improve the safety and quality of children's clothing to ensure infants' and children's health and safety," said Li Jing, spokeswoman for the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.

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